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Las Vegas School Bus Stop Shooting. 6 Shot. Fat girl involved.

Chubby chasing turned deadly outside of Las Vegas on Tuesday when, in something that can only be described as a "complete mystery", a fight over a really gross and nasty fat girl turned into gunshots at a school bus stop.
"I've shot at people to defend my territory over really good looking anorexic chicks, but to shoot more than 3 or 4 people when fighting over a really really fat chick is just inexcusable," a student close to the case stated during a late Tuesday interview.
Stacy Sparks, the fat girl in question during this incident, was approached by one of our's reporters for a statement.
"Hmmm (inaudible) Hummmmppphh (inaudible) Taco Bellll(inaudible)....Mayo(inaudible)......Butter sticks and Bacon... (inaudible)... Whale blubber on a quesadilla (inaudible)."
"Clearly the young lady is still in shock. Her blood sugar dropped through the floor during the 3 minute police interview earlier this afternoon. It makes one why you would expend any effort on a fat chick... Especially THIS fat chick." Pediatrician Dr. Wendy Mavry stated during an exclusive interview.
One of the shot students was quoted as saying, "FFFFFUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKK, That FAT BITCH got me shot!!!!! OHHHHH GOD!!!"
Deputy Howard Melford stated, "Since (the shooter) has been admitted to our facilities, (the shooter) has been on a 48 hour suicide watch. The fear is that once (the shooter) realizes what he has done, he could become suicidal. Especially because this young lady is just so, so nasty and fat."


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