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Vaginal stink now only trivial issue, announces Trojan brand condoms.

Males all over the country praised the new line of "anti-vaginal stink" condoms released by Trojan brand condoms this week.
"It is a standard latex condom with a Pine-scented car freshener attached to the base", stated Trojan CEO Linda Kaplan Thaler earlier this afternoon. "No pregnancy, no STD's, and now... no smell! What an innovation!"
"If a vagina doesn't stink, it's an anomaly, I don't care how fat or skinny your hoe is", Terry Steindel, a realtor from the Ramsey, Minnesota stated Sunday.
"This device not only makes my girlfriend's snatch smell like a towel-head middle-eastern cab driver, but it also makes it not smell like a vagina... which is nasty."
Steindel, who recently stuffed local mailboxes with a cheap Staples brand double sided black and white photocopy of his latest pamphlet entitled, "Why I am are the best lover", continued...
"It makes her vagina smell like a Iraqi, and it makes my balls smell like an equally-attractive pine-scented computer support engineer from India."
Computer manufacturers Dell and Gateway could not be reached for comment as of press.


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AnonymousVaginaLover(; on :

Does clean vagina have smell also?

TKAdmin on :

There is no such thing as a clean vagina. It's a myth. ;-)

Bordeux on :

Aww, sounds like some chick told "TKAdmin" he has a small pecker! Now he's mad at all vaginas! Poor lil' feller!
There are clean women out there-- hard to come by, but they're there. You certainly won't find 'em in any bars...

whitefish builders on :

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