Mormons are completely fucking retarded.
Joseph Smith was the only one of Jesus' disciples to get shot in the face with a gun.
Of all religions, I would have to say the Mormonism is the most delusionally retarded.
The fact that we have a presidential candidate that believes this crap is almost as offensive as our current president that believes this crap.
I have respect for most people's religious views. Catholics, Baptists, Jews, and even Pastafarians.
But Mormonism is just outright ridiculous.
One of the scariest things about Mormons, is that they have the capacity to believe anything... No matter how insanely and comically unsensical.
"(The book of Mormon) was done in a space of three months, using scribes while Smith translated (from golden plates) from behind a curtain."
If the level of sophistication required to brainwash millions of people into a religion was displayed by Smith, we all have the capacity to start a religion.
After all, there must be a group of people in the world that would tithe to a religion that was rooted in a story of a guy like me, sitting in my bathroom with a black light, reading my wall splattered feces like a Rorschach Inkblot Test.
Just as logical, and just as ridiculous.
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Brett on :
Anonymous on :
nasrin sadegj on :
Justin Ramos on :
Anonymous on :
Josh on :
john latour on :
Justin O on :
Mahatma Gandhi on :
Anonymous on :
Anonymous on :
Anonymous on :
Vanessa F. on :
My husband has successfully sued and won against you dipshits. WHAT CHURCH HAS A RIGHT TO GO INTO SOMEONES HOUSE AND TAKE STUFF THAT THE CULT DOESN'T LIKE AND THROW IT AWAY? And then threaten with excommunication, which they did, if they sue? And $5000 worth of stuff he owned turned into a nice cool $75K.
And the "help" you get? "Deseret" brand food that tastes like SHIT?
I'd rather have a nice HOT cup of coffee with a NEWPORT and laugh in your face while you burn in hell.
Anonymous on :
Anonymous on :
Anonymous on :
Anonymous on :
michael on :
truthfinder on :
Jerome Rome on :
Zartinian on :
jim hampton on :
Aggeliki on :
Javier on :
Anonymous on :
Tristan Carlston on :
Anonymous on :
Anonymous on :
Corrine on :
Anonymous on :
Anonymous on :
jordan on :
Jack the Giant killer on :
fuck you on :
d on :
ggggg on :
James on :
cathhater on :
Fuck u on :
Anonymous on :
john on :
The One on :
Gloria on :
Say talk about god are jesus they are Lying the don,t me and my husband left they like to put more money in and we side no we are fix income
They don,t they take out food money
andrew on :
Anonymous on :
Anonymous on :
Nunya Ausunto on :
Aggeliki on :
Kristie on :
anon on :
Karen on :
Anonymous on :
Anonymous on :
Jesse on :
reality on :
Anonymous on :
Badger on :
The way I see it, if I answer the door and have to deal with some random stranger at my doorstep trying to preach to me and handing me some lame pamphlet, then I have every right to log on and talk about how rediculous it is.
I mean seriously, way to copy the Jahovah's Witnesses. At least 3 quarters of Jahovah's Witnesses where smart enough to leave the faith when the world didn't end in 1925. They changed it to 1975 and even more left when that one was proved wrong as well.
For any one to say that their way is the only way is in itself ignorant. It is the belief itself that the individual holds that makes such things relevant in their lives. I feel that Jesus Christ and Sidhartha Gautama had many of the same ideals, though Jesus had the misfortune of having his teachings twisted and contradicted by a bunch of degenerate Romans as a means to gain power and denounce the pagan traditions that where previously practiced in Rome, while Sidhartha's teachings where kept intact by his followers in that their culture was left undisturbed for thousands of years of peace without the need for the power struggles that plagues the birthplace of Catholicism even today.
And as far as Joseph Smith is concerned: he was an eccentric and a racist who had already been convicted of fraud prior to the founding of the church.
His claims about the Native Americans where ignorant and prejudiced. Jerusilum is located in the middle east, therefore even if they did come to America, they would be tan skinned as well, Jesus had tan skin and so did the ancestors of every human being that ever lived. Polygamy is chauvinistic. If a man can have multiple wives, then a woman should be able to have multiple husbands. And his obvious ignorance of geology and history is actually really kind of funny, it's also pretty sad.
At least L. Ron Hubbard had an imaginative scam, even if it was just as moronic.
Cian on :
Dullahan on :
Anonymous on :
DaTruth on :
jay on :
L.Ron Hubbards Ghost on :
Mr Dasher on :
HeadshotHoncho on :
But anyway, nice piece. I agree with you; Mormons are FUCKING RETARDED. I actually googled "Mormons are fucking retarded" and got this haha!
Geoff on :
denier on :
Anonymous on :
Anonymous on :
Use correct grammar and spelling when arguing against being retarded. Just a thought from an agnostic.
Anonymous on :
Richard on :
strap on :
tiffany lewis on :
ligion I think it is a cult made up of a bunch of lazy pigs
kay on :
**S T E R E O T Y P I N G.
shit, all of you just shut up and be happy;)
nobody like negativity,
i bet most of you guys dont even think about other ways earth was created&shit. just believing what you were grown up believing. think about it, its all science. oh, and if there was a god, would he really want you guys to be saying 'fuck mormons' and shit? hahahahaha you guys are so stupid, and you dont see how dumb and immature you are being. bye:)
Anonymous on :
Jessica on :
"we all have the capacity to start a religion"
Totally. That's what cults are. And most cults are just an excuse for creepy old dudes to have sex with underage girls.
Anonymous on :
Ryan on :
Anonymous on :
John on :
Tk (Admin) on :
Ok he is single and one of his favorite quotes is "I ain't got no panties on". His political views are... and I quote " Anti-Obama/Pro-Fox News"
Ok, so he's a redneck racist truck driver who is God-fearing and loves to knock up lot-lizards at truck stops and then wants them and their babies shot? Sounds like he must LOVE Fox News!
Man, Ryan... I'm sorry you feel inadequate for barely graduating high school, becoming a "truck driver", and having your Uncle finger you in the third grade. It mentions "lying with a man" in the bible, but it mentions lying, stealing, and banging lot lizards ten times as much. Way to selectively read the bible you inbred WalMart red-neck white trash hillbilly.
Veronica on :
People who are gay most likely first have that physical attraction towards each other, just like an heterosexual couple. Afterward, they fall in love, and the attraction is on many levels, including personality, interests, etc, just like any other normal couple. People seem to have the stereotype that gays are cheaters and just want to have sex. WRONG. Most gay people long to be in long lasting relationships or be married. I for sure have never met a promiscuous gay or lesbian. Homosexuals can't hide their attraction for the same sex, the same way you probably can't hide your affection for blonde's with big boobs. These things are just hard wired.
More than 50% of marriages in the USA end in divorce. I gays diverse the right that so many straight Americans abuse. If you really are a religious man, you would realize to let these people be. As far as I know, God is the one and only being that can pass judgment. We should not choose whether two people of the same sex should be unified or not. If they truly are committing a sin (which I know they're not) then they will be judged accordingly by God, and not by man. Spread love, not H8. This is the word of the Lord.
Steve on :
I also hate shoving what I believe on others, if I did, like most Atheists do, I'm just as much of an asshole as everyone I complain about.
Now to my main point, Your comment was intelligent, well structured, and you don't sound like an asshole. I Really don't know the specifics of homosexuality, which you seem to, but I don't think its a question of whether or not its choice, I don't think it matters, to me its a matter of do we really have the right to tell them how to live their lives? Why would they have be treated different legally from heterosexual couples? I'm sorry I'm rambling, I just wanted to thank you for sharing your opinion correctly.
Dave on :
Anonymous on :
Ryan on :
Veronica I know what you're saying with the whole seperation of church & state in the constitution. I hope you know the majority of our fore fathers were religious. They knew what they were doing when they put that in there. They didn't want the same shit that was happening across the pond to happen here. I find it hard to believe they wanted a complete seperation though with so much religious acts that occur around politics. Our money reading "In God We Trust." The prayer they say in Congress too. We used to have prayer in schools. That fucking ACLU is something else. Some of the shit they fight for is just too much. I mean c'mon the fucking "manger scene" offends atheist people so its ACLU to the rescue. Its like this whole deal with them wanting to build a mosque on ground zero (near it, whatever). I'll bet the ACLU will get involved somewhere along the way. They've got over a hundred mosques in the damn city already. There is one reason & one reason only why they want to build this one. Anyway I digress I don't see how religion playing a role in politics would be deemed an interference. I do see how Obama & his cronies totally ignoring the constitution on the other hand as interfering. No money to spend on anything but its alright because he is black so no body is going to say its wrong or they'll be deemed a racist. Much like the admin has demonstrated with me being anti-Obama so I must be racist. Fact is I am not a racist & if I was it'd be hard to do what I do. Don't get me wrong I hate anyone that the word "nigger" describes. White, Black, Hispanic it doesn't matter. I don't hate any particular race. I do hate the ones that choose that "gangsta thug" lifestyle & those that just want to sit on their ass & let the government take care of them. I don't hate gays either. I'm just old school when it comes to marriage. If they want to be together then fine as long as they don't shove their love for each other down my throat. The people in California voted against Proposition 8 but a gay judge ignored them & let it roll. What ever happened to the "majority rule" in this country? People weren't for nationalized healthcare either & look where we're at now. The people have no say anymore it seems. I guess anything is possible when they can put a black man in the white house who wasn't even born here. You know what surprises me though is how he is still breathing. Pelosi & Reid too for that matter. Oh well hopefully our childrens children will have it back on track...
Nathan on :
i hate you all die in hell on :
Anonymous on :
Tk (Admin) on :
This entry has nothing to do with God. It simply points out that - no matter how dumb some religions appear to be - Mormonism is perhaps one of the dumbest.
I do not claim to know where the molecules of our beginning originated. However I am convinced of one thing. They did not originate is Joseph Smith's penis.
Joseph Smith was a liar, a scoundrel, a bigot, and a snake oil sales man.
The mere fact that modern people ate up his absurd story about "golden plates" and seer stones is about as believable as me reading your future from your poop.
Maybe there is a God, but as far as Joseph Smith goes, I hope there's not - because he'd be in a very warm place right now indeed.
Anon on :
Nathaniel Sorensen on :
Flo on :
All of us have sinned and fallen hsort of the glory of God.
In the beginning was the word and the word was with God, and the word was God, and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
He died for our sins, so that we might have eternal life.
The wages of sin is death. Jesus' death satisfies the wages of sin. He has taken the cost upon himself beacause he loves us that much. Believe in him and that he did this for you and rose again, and you will have eternal life. There is no other way.
I totally understand everyone's frustration with all of these twisted up doctrines. They are twisted and very deceptively crafted. That's what causes all that angst you feelbecause their is something in your God given conscience that tells you it's not right.
Continue to seek the Lord with all your heart, he will reveal himself to you. Jesus is the way, the truth and life.
In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the Word was God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
Flo on :
All of us have sinned and fallen hsort of the glory of God.
In the beginning was the word and the word was with God, and the word was God, and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
He died for our sins, so that we might have eternal life.
The wages of sin is death. Jesus' death satisfies the wages of sin. He has taken the cost upon himself beacause he loves us that much. Believe in him and that he did this for you and rose again, and you will have eternal life. There is no other way.
I totally understand everyone's frustration with all of these twisted up doctrines. They are twisted and very deceptively crafted. That's what causes all that angst you feelbecause their is something in your God given conscience that tells you it's not right.
Continue to seek the Lord with all your heart, he will reveal himself to you. Jesus is the way, the truth and life.
In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the Word was God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
btw-I totally agree with you nathaniel.
cakeatmidnight on :
I hate you all die in hell on :
cakeatmidnight on :
I hate you all die in hell on :
I hate you all die in hell on :
I agree I hate you all die in he'll. Btw I'm gay and horny
wtf on :
I hate you all die in hell on :
Good one faggot
cakeatmidnight on :
To: Die--I was hoping for a little better dialogue on the topic of mormonism. Have you read the book of mormon?
wtf on :
Grace Lee on :
Right mormonism is a belief nothing on fact. But is any religion based on fact that everybody agrees with. People are entitled to their own opinions on religion and I respect that but to go out of your way to slag them off seriously guys what's wrong with you. People can believe what they want. I think it's disgusting that people are so quick to judge others. No person is the same as another so why stereotype Mormons as retarded ??? Just to add in I'm a teenage Mormon and will answer any questions on our religion. I feel some people are looking at our religion all wrong and have some very wrong facts.
Yours GRACE xxxx
wtf on :
Carol the Catholic on :
You know I was going to explain it, but I feel my words will be wasted. I feel I'll be cursed at, and attacked, and I'm and elderly grandmother with another project to work on right now. I may take you on another day if I feel up to it, but I will leave you with this: Mormons are not scary people. And they are the fastest growing Christian religion in the world.
cakeatmidnight on :
First of all, welcome to this discussion. Secondly, I found this by looking up "Why are mormons so fucking retarded." As a practicing mormon, how did you find this page? Since you seem to be literate, I would love to ask you some questions. Do you know how many wives Joseph Smith had? Was polygamy kept a secret? Did BY have multiple wives also? Where was the first temple and what happened to it? Were you raised a mormon or did you choose it yourself?
Anonymous on :
Grace Lee on :
For the first guy I have been hearing about these websites from my friends and try said I should set some people straight because we aren't evil. And for the second person I would like to say thank you for being respectful tirades my religious beliefs. First of all I am not sure how many wives the both of them had but thy definitely had multiple. It was not kept a secret In those days people would marry multiple people back it was totally normal. When farmers died wives were left homeless and had no money men would marry them so they had money etc. We no longer practice this as we abide by the laws of the land. Our first temple was made in America in navoo it was burned down as people did not like our practice. It was tragic as everybody worked on it and it was beautiful made from families linnen and gold etc. Out temples nowadays are allot more amazing and extravagant I have been to the Preston England temple loads and it's amazing. I was born into the church and am from a 4th generation of Mormons from my dads side. I have a strong testimony of the gospel. I hope that may have helped.
Grace xxxx
wtf on :
cakeatmidnight on :
Grace Lee on :
Grace Lee on :
Would like to add to my last statement. I have been doing some research and the mob actually burnt down the printing place as that was were the book f mormon was printed first. And also we never got revelation that paligomy was wrong we have always had a commandment that we must abide by the laws of the land and that is that paligomy was band and as it was band we are no longer allowed to practice it. There is no scientific evidence that the LSD church isnt true. Can I ask people on this something. Is it a sin to see god and Jesus in a grove of trees and after they tell you to form the church of the last days and you obeying them and forming it. Is that a sin. Is it a sin to believe that a 14 year old farmer boy started what is the most true church on earth. Why does everybody find it so hard to believe that a mirical could happen. My friends cousin was suffering from cancer and it was terminal. He had no hope in the world that he would live and he lived 2 more years after there was a family fast on his behalf. He was only 24. He lived so much longer because his tumour shrinkef baffling doctors all over the country. In the LSD church we love each other very much and think of ourselves as a family. We do not worship idols or anything so how is it satainist?? Satain has prompted you lovely people to think bad of a church which has done nothing wrong. We go through life with direction and are happy an have hope. How is this a bad thing ?
Yours grace x
wtf on :
(guy) "em your prophecies seem kinda fishy"
(JS) "well your erectiley disfunctionul"
by the way why does anybody care what aguy whos been dead for about 300 yrs anyway.
Em :) on :
08/17/2010 12:40:42 PM
My wife's family was taken in by the con man Joseph Smith from the very beginning. Got his hooks into the poor bastard (actually he was wealthy) and sucked him dry. Smith was as slick as Bernie Madoff. All he ever did was ask for cold hard currency (gold silver) or your belongings (cattle/oxen/mules) and he handed out his freaking blessing in return. After giving the "prophet" $30,000.00 in gold and belongings Smith told him "your children will never beg bread". No shit?? An neither will yours you thief. Then there was the good old Kirtland Safety Society Bank bank in Kirtland OH. Ohio would not charter the Mormons a bank so they started their own with donations from our family. In exchange they got paper money that two years later were only good to start a fire.The poor man left Kirtland witrh $7.50 in his pocket and a broken down team of mules to take him to Missouri. (where the garden of Eden was/and was going to be the new Zion)"
you do even know who this man was!? This man's name was John Tanner and you know what we are learning about Church History in Seminary this year and we just learned about him and you want to know something he was the most spiritual man and had such outstanding love for this Church. And you want to know something I bet you didnt know about him. He was about to die and he went to a meeting where Mormon Missionaries would be and he actually went there to bash them and put them in his place and you want to know what happened he wanted to learn more about the Mormons and instead of dying his leg was healed. And do you want to know something else if "Joseph Smith...All he ever did was ask for cold hard currency" why did when JOHN TANNER! come to give Joseph $2,000 that he owed the church why did Joseph tore up the paper and told him that his family would never go hungry and just to tell you that man was an amazing man and probably the Church is so strong today. And just to tell you that money he gave caused the Kirtland temple to be built and helped many early latter day saints and some of his descendants are now major church leaders in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints so thank you very much
and for all of you people saying that i and so many other people are retarted for my beliefs, 1) that word is not politically correct 2) i would rather be retarted and sit here and feel the spirit almost every morning then have to hear this hate and ignorance.
O and i believe that Christ said that the most important commandment was to love everyone and these words of hate do not sound like love or what your savior and my savior have taught us and even if you do not believe in him. I know that he still believes in you and he does love each of you as he does me. matter what religion i am or you are. We are all the same. We are all children of god and when i look in another persons face that is what i see. I see my spirit brother/sister who i know my savior loves and why shouldnt i love them. Because Jesus didnt give up his life for just me. He also gave up his life for you and he knows everything/feeling you will ever feel and he will always be there for you....when you need him he is there.
I do love each of you. I may not know you. But i know that i knew you before. And that is all i need so goodnight and if you would like to take this conversation to somewhere else where the title is not hateful of itself i would be happy too
Grace Lee on :
wtf on :
/facepalm on :
wtf on :
illuminati on :
illuminati on :
illuminati on :
cakeatmidnight on :
I hate you all die in hell on :
michael0385 on :
I guess all that i am trying to say is that, mormons havent really ever done anything wrong to the community (as a whole i mean, not individual mormons) and just because you dont understand something does not mean that its makes it retarded.
wtf on :
michael0385 on :
However i will say as an inactive member on the church, i do have rather different views on religion, that the church does not support, however i bear no ill will. I cant say that i enjoy the amount of churches/religions in our world these days, however i do not dicriminate against any of them. Im glad that these people have found a peace in an otherwise hostile world. But these are just my opinions anywaysm, everyone is completely entitled to there own
wtf on :
wtf on :
cakeatmidnight on :
wtf on :
KITTY on :
Grace Lee on :
Grace Lee xx
ftw on :
Kitty on :
Evil Laugh ummmm its over the internet IT WAS NOT An Evil Laugh. This is My Evil Laugh MUAHHAHAHAHAH
ftw on :
wtf on :
Peter on :
I can see why people have a hard time with Mormoism. It does not fit their paradigm of how the world and religion should be. But I gotta say that it is difficult to get around revelation. The thing is, I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I can say that I know that the sun will rise tommorow but that is only an educated guess based on many years of past experience. I cannot explain the knowledge of the Book of Mormon. After reading it and thinking about it for some time, I received knowledge. It was like I was brain dead and then all of a sudden I understood completely.
It reminds me of an old star trek episode where doctor Mcoy Placed some sort of alien head gear on in order to understand how to reconnect Spocks brain. Before he put it on, he said that no one could do it. After he put it on, he said "of course, a child could do it".
When a person has this kind of knowledge, it is hard ot persuade him otherwise, even when the argument seems rational.
cakeatmidnight on :
You believe Jesus came to America and the other bom nonsense??? You wear your garments that have symbols on them?? The devil is fooling you!!!
Tk (Admin) on :
Anonymous on :
wtf on :
Anonymous on :
wtf on :
God Lies People Die on :
wtf on :
Frank on :
Don't get me wrong, I think religion as a whole will be the downfall of mankind, but Mormonism has to be one of the most pathetic offerings of the religious world.
stan krausch on :
Eric on :
wtf on :
hahahaha on :
BYU sucks on :
John cunningham on :
DH on :
thisIZwar on :
cakeatmidnight on :
thisIZwar on :
Balloons! on :
bluetempest on :
before you defend your Joseph Smith and his false religion go research your own stinking doctrine. This is a huge problem with mormons, they don't know how many times their religion has changed and what has changed and when and why. You all defend a religion that you don't even have TRUE knowledge of. You can't "sell" your religion with your own doctrine so you people use "families of eternity and other beliefs that make people feel all warm and fuzzy, i.e. no Hell etc.. The Bible says there is a Hell and the mormons will go there based on what God says, not Joseph Smith. Your religion does in fact teach about you becoming Gods and a planet and all of the other crap that has been typed here. And your original doctrine states you are not to drink iced drinks or hot drinks yet every mormon I know will drink iced tea or iced water. Learn your doctrine mormons you don't know the religion you follow. Mormons lack common sense. Common sense dictates that we don't believe what we are told. Common sense speaks to the digging for truth for yourselves. To call mormons retarded is an insult to the handicapped. They are not retarded, they are ignorant. And mormons have morals? Get real. How do you have morals with a religion that spreads racism and polygamy? And how can it be that you can get married for time and all eternity and then get divorced and turn around and get married in your demonic temples yet again and again and again? Demonic with your moons and stars- check out freemasonry- for your own salvation mormon people learn about your religion. Anytime your religion changes it isn't because God changes it is because you mormons have to change to get members. As far as the alcohol and tobacco comment, a lot of non mormons don't drink and smoke and I know many who do because they believe they will go to the mormon low kingdom anyway. I know plenty of mormons who have affairs and stay in their marriages for "appearances" sake. They have young boys who go on the mormon missions and become gay. What about all those who lie for a temple recommend by claiming to be sexually pure before they got married? I have known many who by their own admission screwed around before marriage and went ahead and got married in your satanic temple. So stop acting all self-righteous with your comments about how you must be doing something right. Go learn the truths about your religion or go to hell. If you can't see the truth of your religion for what it is then enjoy this short life here because you won't enjoy eternity. It won't be with your family forever it will be in hell. That is God's word not mine.
Greg on :
this whole thing is ridiculous.
I can't believe so many people bash mormons all the time
my mother is mormon and it can be annoying at times, but in truth, I'm okay with it. I really hate it when people talk crap about a religion they know next to nothing about. If one of these LDS bashing idiots would spend some time reading the elegantly written scriptures they wouldn't hate so much.
Holy crap! Aside from being annoying as the ocaissional missionary then what do mormons do wrong? For crying out loud most mormons give a tithing to charity! If you don't know what that is then google it.
Joe Deer on :
Joe Deer on :
Chode Boner on :
Tk (Admin) on :
Mormons have the potential the believe anything they are told... As a matter of fact, I read off of a gold plate that says Mormons need to suck my balls to go to heaven.
Here! *whips nuts out*, this is your only way to salvation, for the golden plates no one else can see told me so! After all, Jesus was born in Missouri and so was my nutsack,,, Now suck it you LDS bitch...
Same thing, think about it. It is so stupid and absurd.
I don't think there is a hell, but if there is, I think the Mormons will fill it up quick.
Defending your religion by pointing to your absurd text is NOT an argument.
Complete retards...
AethistsRule on :
AethistsRule on :
I now know it was you believes this idiotically in the big bang. As a scientist I can tell you that protons did not create the big bang. Apparently you have no grasp of the new concept "Absolute Nothing" and "Nothing". Before the big bang there was "Nothing", as in there was no mass or sense of everything in general. There are two possibilities that are now very popular. The first is of photons. (Light energy) Which has no mass. There is also the elusive material of dark energy/dark matter, which we don't have much concept of which makes it a very strong candidate. Please in the future restrain from blabbing anything you think just because some missionary preached it to you on your doorstep. Why do people refuse to believe what is practically 1st grade science.
just another random person on :
AtheistsRule on :
AKA Drefan
Anonymous on :
lul on :
Wow on :
#1) Gods/prophets/similar ideas don't magically exist *JUST* because people believe in them. Getting enough people to believe in an idea/God/religion for a long enough period of time does not make something feasible or real. The majority of the public is often misguided and poorly educated.
#2) Facts are needed to refute ideas/Gods/religions.
Therefore, things that are solely based upon belief (ie, _NOT FACTS_) cannot be justified.
For example, if you want to believe that dinosaurs jump from planet to planet with aliens riding them, you would need some factual *evidence* to qualify it.
I hope someone understands this, but I'm sure the people who should understand it the most will have a snotty comeback about how 'their' religion is 'the right one'.
*le sigh*
Zack W on :
Emmett on :
Anyone who swallows this tale is welcome to it. But don't you try foisting a Mormon on me as President.
Mahonri on :
33 wives - and you probably have trouble getting a date on the weekends.
Anonymous on :
Someone on :
STFU on :
Morbitches on :
You are pathetic and a liar, the Mormons are a bunch of sick f,,ks ,idiots and ignorants,brain washed little weasles ...JS was a criminal, a gold digger, a whore..he even had sex with all his best friends Morons are so good at denying..they lie to you and tell you that you will become a GOD you stupid.fu..ks , they take your money..the Mormon church is worth 38 billion.........that is thirty eight billion ...why do they need so much money , you diiots give it to your prophets while you starve and they live like kings..look at your prophets homes and the cars they drive you dumb b,,,,tch...may be you will get a hint .
Never believe Mormons whores, they all say they are vergins .........they are not.they start having sex at very early age and they are extremely horny sluts ..
I can keep going but its not worth it...f..k Mormons .
It is worth noting that i was married to a Mormon for 15 years..I felt and saw their hypocracy every day.....i finally found the innocent little Mormon wife " a mormon " fucking some one ........... so much for beig good .
cakeatmidnight on :
bptr on :
moshcustom on :
07/21/2010 05:57:44 AM
Jessica there is nothing wrong with religious people playing a role in politics. Gays, Lesbians, & Transexuals shouldn't be allowed to marry in this country. What religious nonsense would you be referring too that has influence over people? You know its not exactly a matter of religion as much as it is a matter of morality. I know the difference between right & wrong as do most people. Homosexuality is considered a sin among the religious community. I am not a part of that community but I still know homosexuality is wrong. Animals might take part in it but a human being should know better. You can have love for the same gender but that doesn't mean you should try to engage in sex acts with them. Many of the problems we have in this country is because of the lack of religion. Killing babies left & right isn't helping anything. What they should be doing with these whores that want abortions is killing them along with the bastard child. Just line em' up in the streets & put one in the head. But then again a complete theocracy is definitely not the answer this country needs. We really just need a good shot of common sense & morality. That'd help put us back on the right track."
Ryan, I think you just proved pretty much everybody's point. you think a woman who gets pregnant and wants a legal abortion is a whore and should be shot along with her child? you, sir, are a very, VERY disturbed individual and i am actually unhappy knowing that you exist. whatever made up heaven you think you're going to does not exist, you will rot in the ground like the rest of us. hopefully before the rest rest of us. nice to know what romney believes in.
RAMON on :
takedown on :
imaperson on :
Joseph smith on :
Anonymous on :
mormonman on :
Greg Shazely on :
Elder Matumbo on :
I was born a mormon and grew up in a sheltered environment where there was no reason to question it. mormonism is a club. joseph smith was a mason and copied much of the masonic ritual. The current mormon temple ceremony has much of the masonic signs, tokens, and ritual in it.
I stopped believing all things mormon after my first time through the temple. I was blown completly away when I saw my parents dressed in white robes, hats and aprons waving their arms in the air chanting Pay Lay Ale. It really did fuck me up, but because I was so indoctrinated by repetitive primary and sunday school songs, and the constant testimony meetings where you are encouraged to stand and say "I know the church is true, and joseph smith is a prophet of God" that even after my temple experiance I still went on a mission for two years.
One night my mormon wife and I were in the hottub and I looked up at the stars and said I am sorry, but I believe mormonism is dangerous and I no longer want to be involved and do not want our children involved. She cried because she was relieved and admitted that she had never belived in it either. The mormon church uses guilt very effectivly. You are constanty told you are inadequate and you need to do more for the church.
There is a cognative dissonance that allows educated mormons to stay in the church. There is no doubt that the church is a cult. Many members stay only because of family or business relationships. When I left the church, I lost almost all of my mormon clients. mormons always hire mormons first. Competency comes second.
Someone on this thread asked one of the mormons why they came to a "mormons are retarded" site. It is because the church leaders tell them to. At conference, mormons are told "seek out websites that are negative to the church and refute them". "Offer your testimonies to those who make negative statments about the church" (gordon hinckley- mormon profit) You can usually tell a mormon on a thread like this when they start by saying "Im not a mormon but..."
I have EARNED the RIGHT to say that mormons are FUCKING RETARDED. This statement is fact.
mormonism is a dangerous cult. It is a billion dollar cult and that is the pure motivation. It is said here that mormons squeeze a nickle so hard they make the beaver fart. ( I am Canadian and our nickles have a beaver stamped on them.)
Much of the original doctrine of the church is being hushed and swept under the carpet. (ask a mormon about Bruce R Mckonkie. The older mormons will know.)They are trying to hide the history of racism, bigotry, polygamy and all the other bullshit that joseph smith made up. BTW some mormon on here asked " how could joseph smith write the book of mormon in three months if it was not inspired by God. Well, he didn't and it wasn't. joseph smith was a retard con man. A man named Sidney Rigdon wrote much of the story. Actually he copied much of the story from other texts. I am sure that even with the "seer stones" joseph could not have seen the future to know that both science (DNA) and global information would prove their stories to be completly false.
I wish that mormons could wake up to this fact. More and more are, but some will not. They are sheep and they allow the church to think for them. They are constantly told in the conferences that "once the leaders have spoken, the thinking has been done".
I could say so much more, but I have said enough.
Note that I have tried not to capitilize anything mormon as an intentional sign of disrespect. I am an angry ex-mormon. Angry that they stole so much of my time and money that I will never get back.
I was once a completely fucking retarded mormon, but now, am not. I was blind, but now I see.
Elder Matumbo
(from the book of mormon on broadway)
TK (Admin) on :
Brian Nelson on :
Elder Matumbo on :
Freedom of speech is also protected by the constitution, which gives everyone the right to express opinion about anything including religion… unless you are a mormon. The mormon leadership tells members “It's wrong to criticize leaders of the Church, even if the criticism is true” (Dallin Oakes moron apostle)
I vote Brian Nelson be put up on the pedestal of shining examples of arrogant mormon hypocrites right alongside joseph christ, jesus smith and tommy hooknose monson. Apparently, Brian is one of the “progressive mormons” that get to say fuck as long as it directed against anyone that has an opinion contrary to the opinion the church tells him he should have.
BTW why are you picking on disabled people by dumping their asses down in the gutter with us mormon haters?
It is far far greater thing to be a non-moron with an ass on the curb, than a moron with your head up your bishops ass. (and he likes it)
cakeatmidnight on :
the truth on :
-the truth
ps mormons arent christians
Lostprophet on :
byu suck me till my dick goes numb on :
Frodo Baggins on :
poop on :
Chris on :
elder matumbo on :
Using frodos retarded logic, then we must assume that since there are over 2 billion muslims in the world, the muslims must be right then eh? you stupid fucktard mormon!
Dani on :
TK (Admin) on :
Elder Matumbo on :
Your secret garments are showing. You better get longer sleeves on your blouse.
Mormons ALWAYS say how much they “tolerate” other people’s beliefs. They also say they respect what others believe, but they DO NOT. If they did, why would they send brainwashed missionaries out to pound on doors peddling their insane religion. Then if they dont get them there, they just baptize them when they die anyway. What arrogant presumption !
Yes BAPTISM FOR THE DEAD! This mormon practice has Batshit Crazy written all over it. Forget the “sealings” and “new temple names” that is nothing. mormons say fuck everybody’s right to believe what they want, those arrogant pricks just assume everyone wants to be a mormon in the next life so they baptize dead people by proxy. (I mention by proxy because some may not put it past these crazy fuckers to dig up the dead bodies and baptize em if it were not against the law.)
This practice of Dead baptisms has been in the news recently because mormons have been baptizing some prominent holocaust victims and mitt romneys father in law. The fucktard prophet monsoon says that baptizing famous dead people is against the rules and this was a mistake made by an over zelous church member. So what make famous people so special? You have NO RIGHT to baptize anyone’s dead relatives. What a goddamn freak show!
You are free to believe and practice all the freekass shit in the world as long as you KEEP IT TO YOURSELVES! Once you stop doing that, and cross the line into other people’s lives, you get what is coming to you. And stop whining about it.
Dani on :
I'm really not mormon, on though ...
And it sucks that I have no way of proving that to you
Elder Matumbo, just know that Jesus loves you(:
Anonymous on :
I am sure Jesus loves you too. (even if you are a mormon)
I do know of a way you can prove that you are not though.
You seem to know something about temples as you mentioned secret names etc. If you are not a mormon you will not have a problem describing the second token of the melchezidek priesthood.
A real moromon cant talk about it, because they have made an oath to slit their throats if discuss this outside of the temple. (absolutely true). A real mormon would say "the temple is sacred not secret"
So if you tell us about this I will let you off the hook and stop thinking that you are a kool-aid drinking, throat slitting, dead baptizing, dark skined hating cultist.
And if you are truly not a mormon, stay far far away from those mormon friends, because they are only your friends because there is a chance they can suck you in.
I will pray for your soul.
Elder Maumbo on :
I just wanted to be sure you knew that love bomb was from me.
Dani on :
And as for my mormon friends, I will remain friends with them, and try to talk them out of morminism. This the religion they've been born into and known for their lives, they don't know any better!
And thank you for the prayers, I really need them right now...
Elder Matumbo on :
If you simply scratch the surface of actual mormon doctrine it does not take long to expose the insanity. The mormon church has been using the PR engine to whitewash the core beliefs and original doctrine of mormonism. They do this because they are trying to appear normal to attract new members, but also behind the scenes right now, they are trying to help elect a mormon president of the U.S.
Another mormon lie is that the the church does not get involved in politics. If that were the case, why would they pump 20 million dollars of charitable donatations into proposition 8 in California? The obvious reason they did it this is because they are homophobic, but the other is to try to buy acceptance to the Christian community. It didnt work.
You hit the nail on the head when you said that your mormon friends have been members since birth and don't know any better. Good luck with that. Children are exposed to repetitive songs and testimonies and are indoctrinated from the day they are born. They are brought up in a protected bubble, protected from any critical thought of their own.
Frodo on :
me on :
Luke on :
Paul on :
Elder Matumbo on :
You are right, except that the mormons today have to be even more batshit crazy than back in the joseph smith days. Back then, educaton and science were not high priorities. Now they have no excuse for believing the shit they do... Well, maybe years of cousins marrying each other does take a toll.
The mormon whacktard beliefs and practices seem to finally be getting the exposure they deserve with the likes of mitt romney, baptizing peoples dead relatives, and spending a whole lot of donated money on gay hate.
This is a dangerous, arrogant religion. If there is a god, I hope he ties mitt romney to the roof of his car for the next family trip to kolob.
Some Mormon on :
Lostprophet on :
Cake at Midnight on :
Elder Matumbo on :
Quote "I think the real reason anyone finds any religion retarded, is because they dont bother to opeh their mind"
Right back at ya bubble boy!
Quote " to you that may seem crazy or retarded but you would undersand because you don't have a spiritual side"
Typical mormon arrogance! Unless you are a mormon, and believe that blacks are black because they were cursed by god, how could you ever be as spiritual and as "white and delightsome" (book of mormon) as a mormon.
Quote " I am LDS and I believe everything I've been taught"
Not only retarded, but ignorant and oblivious! Morbot alert! Cult alert
Quote " there is plenty to the book of mormon that coinsides with the bible"
Yes, part of the book of mormon do coincide with the bible. All the parts that were copied from the bible that is, the rest is bullshit made up by josephs myth and sidney rigdon. Like the part that Jews came over in wooden submarines and started a civilization in South America. There is a little piece of science unknown to the bubble dwelling mormons called DNA that proves this fantasy is false.
Quote "I'll never understand why people don't think we are Christian"
mormons are not Christians. They have made up a whole different version of Jesus than the real Jesus. The mormon Jesus beams in and out of New York State, South America, and salt lick city utah. The mormon Jesus stops in to get advice on world affairs from the profit tommy the teabagger monson.
Quote "Gays are completely allowed in the church as long as they don't date or marry others of the same sex, and follow the teachings"
This is pretty much the most ignorant, offensive, batshit comment of his/her/its post.
You are allowed to be a gay mormon as long as you are NOT GAY! Oh, unless of course you are a scout master, then you are allowed to fondle and bugger all the cub scouts you wish, only if you promise not to DATE or MARRY them. What a goddamn retard!
I do hope somebody pokes some holes in that mormon bubble you live in so you can breathe in there. well... on second thought.
John on :
Elder Matumbo on :
You can't just go down to wal mart and pick yourself up some magic mormon underware on sale, you have to buy it from the mormons. They make millions on that cheap polyester shit that frays and turns yellow after 10 washes so you have to buy more. They brainwash mormons to believe that you must cut out the symbols on the breasts, bellybuttonm, and knee and burn them after use so you will not be tempted to wear them too many times and not buy more and more. Religious underware? not a chance. Unless your religion is greed I guess.
Its not Tommy Hilfiger, its the tommy hooknose monson collection.
James on :
RationalGuy on :
Robbie on :
Yes, all brainwashed fucked up retards who've left commonsense at the door so as to pursue a life of arrogant fuckeuppededness in the company of fellow fuckeduppedness arrogant type fucktards who would sooner love-bomb you to death and offer you a biscuit than listen to a word of commonsense emanating from your sinful educated lips.
It's as though they're saying "please support my delusion.. pleeeeese....see, I'm offering you a biscuit... this means I'm a GOOD PERSON and not atheist anti Mormon scum like yourself"
Cognitive dissonance somebody... cog-ni-tive diss-o-nance... ???
Please keep your elitist arrogant ideas to yourself and fuck off.
Thank you.
(yes close the door, Smithtard you Cheshire Cat fucked up Moron Shite head)
Thankyou for listening (bows, retreats backwards)
Emmett on :
Why is it so hard to accept that there is no god? And who the hell wants to have eternal life? I don't want to spend eternity with trillions of people! Heck, I don't want to spend it with myself. I do believe I'd tire of me in a few billion years.
Elmore Kara on :
Young Fighter on :
Robbie on :
"Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man"
Have you ever explored the implications of that statement?
Ever studied psychology?
Do you tie your predominant hand to the bed-post at night?
Do you believe that cows, horses, oxen and goats existed in North America in 590 BCE?
Can you levitate?
Young Fighter on :
Robbie on :
Smith was a confidence trickster, it's evidential my dear.
Garden of Eden in America? wow... really? Ever heard of the Rift Valley?
And ever questioned why the one of the missionaries and your mum aren't allowed to share a room together without another person present?
And I guess that's all I have to say to you, too...
Emmett on :
Honestly, these people can come up with reasons to justify EVERYTHING. You can't reason with pigheads like that. All we can do is laugh and work hard to see that we NEVER elect a Mormon President.
Jacq on :
People who say that they can only make good choices and learn from religion apparently haven't realized yet that one can also make good choices and learn in life without it. Furthermore, if you *need* your morals spoonfed to you in order to be considered a decent human being, then perhaps the question of how 'good' or moral you really are should be asked. The question people should ask themselves is not whether the Mormon church (or any church for that matter) is good or bad; it's whether they themselves (the people) are (good or bad). And if you can only be defined morally by what your church has taught you, then you are weak.
Don't even get me started on the concept of 'repentance.' That applies to all the churches and religions out there that espouse this idea. If you wrong someone, instead of asking the sky man to forgive you, why don't you (*here comes the clue train*):
1) Ask the person you wronged instead
2) Accept that maybe you don't deserve forgiveness (if you're being that thoughtless about things anyway)
3) Learn what penance really means, and ask yourself how to possibly resolve the problem (or learn to deal with the consequences)
Learn to live with some true conviction, and let go of the religion/security blanket.
Elder Matumbo on :
With regard to you prayers, I also prayed. I prayed to ask if mormonism was wrong and I got the same undescribable feeling telling me that mormonism is false and dangerous. So who's answer is correct? mine or yours? You really have no right to say your prayers are answered and mine are not. However, that is the typical arrogance of mormonism.
One day you will realize that all of what you said you believe in your post is completelly incorrect. I hope for your sake, it is sooner than later. You cannot make a claim that mormons don't drink or have sex etc. etc. You can say that many mormons do not, or that mormons should not, but the fact is, mormons do.
I have many mormon friends that drink with me. How do you stop a mormon from drinking all your beer on a fishing trip? bring another mormon. mormons are hypocrites. I currently work with a mormon bishop who is having an affair with one of the girls at work. If you are too young to know what an affiar is, it means he is fucking a girl who is not his wife. He fucks her alot! Affairs happens quite often with repressed mormon men and women.
I wasted many years of my life on mormonism including 2 years on a mission. I guess in retrospect the mission was not a waste because it was there that I first realized that mormonism was bullshit. Just imagine being in mississippi and trying to explain to a room full of black people why blacks were not allowed to have the preisthood because they were cursed. I was scared as hell and it was worse when I realized that I did not have a legitimate answer. Even worse is the mormon church still does not have a legitimate answer and they are trying to sweep it all under the rug.
There is no one alive that can make the claim to "know" that God existis. But I can tell you, if there is a God, it would not be the God that the mormons have created. Please come down off that pedistal of mormon arrogance that you are climbing cause it will be a hard fall. It has taken me some time to heal.
Young Fighter on :
Jacq on :
No one tries to convert us anymore... except for him. You want to know why? BECAUSE HE'S 11.
Truth is not what you believe (that makes no sense). Truth is what remains, even if you don't believe it, even if you don't like it. That can be harder to live with in life sometimes, but it's far more liberating than living in a comfort bubble of denial for the rest of your life. I'm sure you can't even fathom/imagine not being Mormon/believing, because it's all you know; it's also your whole family and a large part of your social circle, right?
Well guess what.... Billions of people in this world aren't Mormon, and love their families and friends just as much (and probably oftentimes even more).
But, maybe just don't think too much. I'm sure most Mormons would prefer their bubbles to the social stigma/ostracism that would most certainly come with looking for real truth and understanding (and speaking of those thoughts).
You are only 12 after all. Good luck to you in life.
Jake on :
P.S. If you want to be a biglet against Mormons why don't you get off of your computer and go do it in person. Start a campaign to make the Mormon religion illegal or something. Do something productive.
Robbie on :
Hey I can add a few more to your 'big list' Jake.... and they'd include all the faults and failings that we all have as human beings, take 'dishonest' for instance and 'incongruent/hypocritical' etc.
It's just that some of us make more of an effort to pursue "good" not by proselytising bullshit (etc) but by extending our humanity within the constraints and inescapable bounds of reality!
Elder Matubbo on :
Sharon O on :
Okay, this morning, she went to use the copy machine and she found some checks lying on the glass. I had gone into the room just behind her and she said "These checks aren't yours, are they?" I said "No, they must belong to [name of bookkeeper]." And she said "But they're not yours are they?" ARRRRGGGGGG!!! Didn't my answer imply that they weren't mine, and that I was trying to be helpful by saying who they probably belonged to??
Is she RETARDED or what??? Or is she just trying to maintain her position of control by being an asshole??
just venting . . . .
Not a hyporcite on :
Non Mormon religions that believe you should pay their church money, say that Mormons, who believe in Jesus Christ, and Christiantiy, are not Christians.
That is like saying a car salesman who believes in selling cars is anti sales.
Give your head a shake!
I could argue that all of you religious hypocrites have no proof to base your religion on, and I would be 100% correct!. Belief in God requires a leap of faith. To believe the way your Bible thumping way is the ONLY way to God, is prideful and I don't want to believe the way you do, because that would be a sin.
drewfaught on :
Daniel on :
Robbie on :
Are you prepared to put someone (presumably smaller than yourself) into the ER if they spoke out against these fucktards?
In this black and white world of yours do you feel nice and safe in your ‘white’ corner?
Pray tell...
“I will be to this generation a new Mohammed” Joseph Smith jnr
[confidence trickster and illiterate author of the best selling “Book of Moron” go and grab a copy Dan, it’s GREAT reading]
Lostprophet on :
Robbie on :
Radical Missionaries... you answer the doorbell and before you've had the chance to say "fuck off you retards" (in the politest possible manner)
"Suicide Missionaries coming to a door near you"... sounds like the introduction to the latest Hollywood Blockbuster, doesn't it?
Vansede on :
Robbie on :
Hmm, must remember to tell my ex-wife that...
Hey if Nazareth didn't exist during Jesus's time (it didn't), then what are the odds Jesus existed? and... imagine (if he did exist) the story about the "good" Samaritan being translated into modern day text as "The Story of the Good Native American Indian" or "The Good Aborigine... or Greek, Japanese, Irishman" etc. The obvious implication being that the named above *aren't* usually 'good'.
What Jesus a racist? Never....
Here's a good one "The Story of the Good Mormon".
Does it for me...
mary on :
Robbie on :
And there's a huge difference between 'persecution' and ridicule. It's got to be remembered how some members of minority groups love to play the 'victim' card. "Help help, I'm being repressed". I think re Mormons, Scientologists and other more mainstream death cults (such as Catholicism, Islamism... Evangelism etc) it's a sad reflection upon their creed when they need to be reminded every Sunday (or whenever) how to be good.
Please, somebody disagree with me.
Mr. Magooy on :
agnostic dude on :
Scott Dendy on :
Normans are Normans.
Pinheads are pinheads.
Lostprophet on :
Burden of proof on :
Faith, what horse shit? Believing in something that cannot be proven. Need we explore the falsity any further? Also, you religious cunts claiming that any resistance to your faith merits proof.. holy shit.. definitely retarded.
Lastly, those claiming to derail atheism based on the burden of proof. You have got to be shitting me. The burden of proof lies upon the claiming party. Atheism is a lack of belief, not a belief. This shit is so simple, I don't understand how so many people in the world are religious. It's SO. FUCKING. FAIL.
Robbie on :
Face palm.
Now, I’m pretty seasoned in this debate - as this person is too, but on receiving such a stupid fucking question rather than reply with equally stupid fucking answer (such as “he told me that he was”) I inquired as to what *they* didn’t believe in. And then went on to state how unprovable pink dildos in orbit around Uranus (or was it a china celestial teapot between Earth and Mars?) don’t preach to me moral guidelines on how to live my life, nor do they threaten Hell (or worse) Heaven and … (to quote George Carlin, not Voltaire) “More people have been killed in the name of god than for any other reason”; now how many of you out there know of warring factions who fight with an imaginary pink dildo on their side?
Dee Dee on :
Out of the whole humungous universe earth is just a speck. Can you really believe that we are the only living beings out here? NOT! But yet "god" picked earth for mother, moses, Joseph, and Jesus etc. to come and do their thing. Now explain to me this arc thing. that thing had to be as big as San Francisco to put all those animals ( that don't fight or eat each other) on this boat with enough food and water. Who scooped all that poop up? Come on. Made up people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway I hate the mormons because they have brainwashed my granddaughter and now she is a lost cause. They will have her married at 18 and having kids the first year. The more kids she has the more tithing the church gets. Well just wanted to put my thoughts out there
Chelsea poyurs on :
Nikky on :
Too smart for "gods" on :
Nikky on :
Too smart for "gods" on :
Elder Matumbo on :
"I was not with joseph, but I believe him. My Faith did not come to me through science, and I will not permit so-called science to destroy it."
Nikky, there are "things in your religion" that you don't yet understand" because they are incomprehensible, fabricated rubbish. Stuff that that "so-called science" has proven wrong time and time again.
BTW the only thing your sweaty cult polyester jesus jamies are protecting you from, is smelling good.
Anonymous on :
Robbie on :
Nikky on :
Robbie, to answer your question about garments, if garments are stained or ruined some how then they must be thrown away. They are symbols of covenants that we make in the Temple and of purity. "No unclean thing may enter the kingdom of God."
Lostprophet on :
Elder Matumbo on :
Dear God, please tell us that Nikky is just playing with us when she says no unclean underwear may enter the kingdom of god. Please jesus, tell us that she does not seriously believe this, because if this is what mormons now believe, there is no hope. The next thing Nikky will tell us is that Obama will need a birth certificate (long form) to enter the lowest level of mormon heaven. God, please save us from the mormon cult that has warped sister Nikki's brain.
inthenameofjesuschrist amen.
Robbie on :
Nikky on :
Elder Matumbo on :
Why has the mormon underwear changed over the years? It used to go all the way to the wrists and the ankles, then up to just below the knee and short sleeves. Now they are above the knee and very short sleeves. Seems they are getting smaller and smaller. Does this mean mormons need less reminding to stay pure these days? You have to wonder why your church evolves with the times, you would think if god gave joseph smith rules in the 1800's they should still apply today and if they don't they were bullshit from the start.
Also, what I can't comprehend is your 'word of wisdom" your doctrine and covenants say no "hot drinks" what does this mean? I see mormons drinking hot coco, herbal tea, and cup a soup all of the time. It can't be because coffee and tea have caffine, because mormons suck back gallons and gallons of Diet Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew and Red Bull. Don' t you ever just stop and say WTF?
When a religion dictates what you eat and drink, what you should wear, (including the masonic underwear), how much you must give in offerings (10%) to get to heaven, tells you how and how not to have sex. (no oral sex, no masturbating, no porn, etc.), pressure you to get married at 18-19 and have lots of babies, and tell you who to worship (Jesus, Joseph Smith). All these things make up the exact definition of a cult.
I would also like to know why a true religion of God would dissallow full membership and participation to Black people for so long. Only when it became a civil rights issue and public pressure did kimball have a "revelation" that changed the rule. Only a racist cult would say that Native Americans would become "whte and delightsome" if they became mormons.
For your own well being, please consider what kind of organization you are defending.
Nikky on :
Second I would like to ask that before you judge my religion and people please do not rely on ANYTHING you find on the internet or in books about Mormonism unless it has been written by a member of the first presidency of our church. There are way too many hate websites for every religion to take anything seriously unless it was written by the church. I have no idea if garments have been changed, I do know that if they were then there was a good reason for it. Third, as too the Word of Wisdom, the wording is strange, the Doctrine and Covenants are written in the same language as the Bible. Hot and strong drink refer to coffee, tea and alcohal. There are some who take that to mean caffinated sodas as well, but not all of us agree with that. Fourth, I have asked sometimes why i can't wear tank tops by themselves and why I can't listen to some music. As I grew however I relized that I could if I really wanted. I had a choice in everything that I did, but those choices have concequences. I now look at those covenants that I have made with God and relize that those rules are exactly what make me free. I will never wake up one morning with a hang over wondering what I did the night before, I wont get pregnant before marrage and I will never question who my father's children are. I am not saything that everyone struggles with that, but the truth is many people have. My sister is one of those people. The rules given to me and those of my religion feel freedom WHEN we follow the rules we are free from the devils snares. We all have a choice and agency. We wont be shunned or hated for making mistakes. We are human, we all make mistakes.
As to the question about the Black people. We never said they could not join us, at the time we could not give them the preisthood. If you read the Bible you will see that the preisthood has always been given to only a select group of people. Today is the first time that the preisthood has ever been open to any worthy male.If you have any more questions feel free to ask and please really think about my words before dismissing them. I am not trying to convert you, I just want the wrong ideas about my religion gone.
Lostprophet on :
Elder Matumbo on :
Just so you know, if you look at previous posts you will see I was a mormon for over 35 years and went on a mission in the deep south of the USA.
For the first 3 years of university, I studied religion at school and at seminary. I specifically studied mormonism because at the time I was a mormon living in the mormon bubble and I wanted information to defend my faith. I did NOT find that information, and once out of the bubble, I did find very much the opposite.
I already know the answers to all the questions I have asked you. I was just interested to see what you had to say. I have to tell you that much of your information is incorrect and the rest is without substance.
This is the problem with current mormonism. Most mormons do not really know what they believe or why they believe it. For most, it has become a lifestyle. You attested to this when you say that without your religion you would be nothing.
The mormon church is working hard on whitewashing the past and the history of mormonism. Most mormons are like you, they attempt to defend a faith that they really know nothing about. You had no substansial answers to my questions about the word of wisdom, or the history of black men getting the priesthood. I was asked many times about this on my mission, and neither I, nor my mission president could not find a legitimate answer. Just the typical bullshit answer that Gods ways are sometime beyond our understanding. Utter bullshit!
You say you have choice, and "agency". You are correct, you have choice, but if you choose against the rules of the church, you will be disfellowshipped or excommunicated. So this is really not a choice or free agency. Contray to what you claim, mormons ARE shunned and hated for making mistakes, and choosing to think for themselves. You say you "feel freedom when you follow the rules" what a goddam contridiction!
Your church claims to allow everyone "free agency" or the freedom of choice, but then they send millions of dollars to California in attempt to take away the freedom of choice of other human beings to choose who they marry and how they live. The arrogance, the hypocrisy!
You belong to a racist, bigoted, misogynistic, homophobic cult of lazy hypocrites to which there is no defence. I say lazy because mormons have become too lazy to think for themselves. They allow the church leaders to do the thinking for them.
If you pull your head out of tommy monsons ass long enough to have some thoughts of your own. You may find that you are really not retarded, but that mormonism has made you look and act that way.
Robbie on :
Nikky on :
I am really sorry to hear that you feel this way. I have to disagree with you. I do know that there are those who judge others for their choices. No one is perfect. For some reason people expect us to be perfect. I wish that I were perfect but I have made many mistakes. I know about disfellowshipment and excamunication becasue recently my own sister was first disfellowed then excamunicated because of her choices. The reasons for these actions is to protect the good name of the church. I can tell you that no, I do not have all of the answers, but I do know my religion fairly well. At the moment I am prepairing to go on a mission of my own.
I do know the history of my religion, there are things that we did that I am not proud of, but like I mentioned above, no one on this earth except Christ is perfect. How is feeling good when I follow the rules a contradiction exactly?
As for the fight against gay marriage, I love the gay people. Some of my best friends are gay, but at the same time I do not agree with their life style and I hate that we deny them marriage, but I will stand up for what God wants. Marriage is between a man and woman only, that does not mean that I do not love the gay people, because I do. Last of all I am not lazy, I work two jobs and am going to school for Phsycology. If anything I know how to work hard. I do not rely on church leaders to make choices for me or tell me everything. I listen to what they have to say then pray and ponder to know for myself if that is true.
Elder Matumbo on :
I have to say that I am happy for your sister, and I hope that she can get past the guilt imposed on her by the mormons, and realize that she is now far better off. Tell her to keep going and not look back. I wish I could have gone that route. I would like to suggest you reconsider your comment suggesting your sister tarnished the churches "good name". The "church" is doing a very good job of that themselves.
I did not call you lazy as far as work ethic goes.The comment was not personal. I called mormons lazy for not using critical thinking skills. Perhaps I should have more accuratey stated that mormons are weak minded in the Jonestown way.
You mentioned that you do not have all the answers to your religion and are preparing to go on a mission. I would suggest that you look for all answers before you go out and try to convert people to the mormon way. I am hoping that once you realize that there are no real answers to your questions, you may reconsider. However, I don't think that will happen, so I wish you well with the "best two years of your life"
I testify to you that joseph smith is rolling over in is grave because he is so pissed off that he was shot before he could cash in on his scam, and even more pissed that tommy monson is.
Nancy Collings on :
Robbie on :
Without support, it can be an incredibly hard place to be. And that's why many prefer to live the lie than bite the bullet, believing that if you believe something hard enough... it will become true. There are other coping mechanisms, but that would take a few paragraphs...
Elder Matumbo on :
Nikky says you better destroy them because when you die st. peter will be checking, and if you have skidmarks on your jesus jammies its outer darkness for you!
I believe that God wants the New Jersy Devils to win the stanley cup. Go Devils!
Nikky on :
Robbie on :
Then how do you know they’re true?
By which facility do you determine truth from bullshit?
Faith by these terms Nicky is wishful thinking or (to be less kind) delusional.
By the way, you majored in phycology? Wow I didn’t know such qualification existed… must be fascinating studying algae, am intrigued to know what attracted you to this field.
Elder Matumbo on :
Phycology is the abilty to talk asparagus down off of a ledge.
Anonymous on :
"I studied for myself and I know the church is troooooo". "Read the book of mormon and pray and you will know its trooooooo". Joseph smit is a trooooooooo profit of god.
You are right. no one has all the answers, but I do have this answer and it is that mormonism is bullshit. Joseph smits story is bullshit, and tommy monson is not a prophet! Tell me one thing he has prophesied?
waiting..........? waiting.......... NOTHING. What is the last thing a mormon profit has prophesied since bringem young? NOTHING. At least Brigam Young had the guts to make up some prophesies so he could claim to be a prophet. (Quakers on the moon etc.etc, There are volumes of his so called prophesies. All Hinkley could say is that "we dont know" or I'm not sure we believed that"
Hopefully you can get you pycology degree and heal thyself.
Nikky on :
Robbie on :
[ And please note that phycology is actually the study of algae - I guessed that you may have slipped up (it was a bit strange) but didn't know.]
As a psychology major I guess you'd also know about psychosomatics and the recent studies/discoveries in neuroscience. When I was studying (both) I was just amazed at how bio-mechanical we all actually are, and indeed how easy it is to be fooled. Stop asking 'why' and begin looking at the 'how' (via psychology) and things just start making evidential sense! Well they did for me.
Elder Matumbo on :
As usual, a Mormon cannot answer a question. You were asked about a current prophesy. Your only examples are about Eliga and the hearts of the children? Whatever the hell that means. And then you site some bibilical prophesy about 911? Is this really the best you can do? Is this really the most current prophesy you can quote? Nostradomas has more accurate prophesies that any mormon prophet. Your prophets on TV and radio are just typical televangilists demanding everyone to pay their tithing (full 10%) or risk the fires of hell.
You can pick up one of your church ensigns from 1975,1980,1990,2012 and it is all the same repetitive crap. There is nothing new! NO modern prophesies, no new information, just reworked stories of losing 5 dollars and praying and suddenly it is found in a pair of jeans.
Why would the great and almighty prophet tommy monson not prophesy about tsunamies, hurricanes and tornadoes that have killed thousands of people. Perhaps he could have saved some lives. No, the best this pompous prick can do is "say a little prayer" that the rain would go away so an outdoor dance performance could continue.
Nikky, if you goal was to come here and defend you faith, you have failed. You have simply given this site much more evidence to support that mormons are retarded clones with no substance.
Please do not reply to me saying "I am sorry you feel that way" blah blah blah.
Give us some concrete answers and examples or stop wasting our time.
John Edgar on :
It's hard to know what to add to a forum like this. Firstly, I'd like to agree with the initial statement, which in my experience I have found to be true.
Secondly I'd like to quote Nikky, "our garments are a representation of how we strive to stay pure", for two reasons; (one) because I think my grandparents would beg to differ and (two) I find that the possibility that shitting yourself come Armageddon, and thus reducing your chances of getting into heaven, friggin' hilarious!
Also, Mormons giving 'evidence' for Mormonism provide, conveniently, a case in point. Dumb-Arses!
As science and society advances, more and more contradictions with religion appear, and with those contradictions come delusions. Faith is exactly that, it is a belief strongly held despite evidence to the contrary.
Jesus in America. Hilarious. Did he invent the helicopter too? That would certainly explain how. But why?
Robbie on :
[And please note that phycology is actually the study of algae - I guessed that you may have slipped up (it was a bit strange) but didn't know.]
As a psychology major I guess you'd also know about psychosomatics and the recent studies/discoveries in neuroscience. When I was studying (both) I was just amazed at how bio-mechanical we all actually are, and indeed how easy it is to be fooled. Stop asking 'why' and begin looking at the 'how' (via psychology) and things just start making evidential sense! Well they did for me.
Kay on :
In my personal experience with different identities in different Mormon families I could write pages, but before doing that we'd have to define 'retarded' and I'd have to go into unneeded detail as to how I've come to that/my (provisional) conclusion.
Sod that though and let me give my empirically observed judgment in a nutshell and say...
Moreover, the Mormon families I've known have been far more dysfunctional (euphemism for 'fucked up') than any other select group - even doomsayers who secretly get off in the belief that they are of a select few to knowingly predict (and no doubt survive) the end of the world (see what I did there?)
Mormons who I've known have made disastrous parents; and any behind the scenes look into this clandestine elitist organisation would reveal this not to be unusual... but they stand tightly together in their pjs all ready for bed, smiling Donny Osmond smiles and ...
As Robbie's alluded to, there is psychological reasoning behind this which any interested party can pursue at their will. The internet after all is the place religions/death cults come to die and folks like Nikky can come to be edgyoomakated.
Goodnight John-boy...
Urmom on :
Robbie on :
"Facts" about "Mormon faith"?
"Evident" that "none of you" have "learned any true facts"?
Mormonism is "just another faith"?
Is it really all so black and white to you?
Can't you see the logical fallacies that you're making?
And by your judgement, what qualifications does one need to be permitted to criticize a belief system - especially one as off with the little green men as yours?
PLEASE don't say that you have to become one so as to be critical! Because straight away I'll point to the thousands of apostates who've escaped the clutches.
As an atheist, I *try* not to judge a person (irrespective of their belief system) by their beliefs but by their deeds. Although, would you vote for someone who solidly believed in fairies and [insert long list of all your other ridiculous beliefs]?
Nikky on :
Lostprophet on :
Elder Matumbo on :
Wow, you are shocked! are you? I am sorry to hear that you feel that way. (sarcasm intended)
If there were any modern prophsies, I am pretty sure all the mormons would have the references to them on the tips of their tongues and be able to spout them off instantly. You take your time and go do some extensive research and get back to us with some CURRENT examples of MODERN prophesy and revelation. We will wait... but we won't hold our breath.
I know the bullshit about eliga, but I specifically asked you about MODERN prophesy. One of the mormons big claim to being the "true and living church" is MODERN prophesy, yet you can only quote some lame story from the original con man himself circa 1830s, that is just as fabricated as the book of moron itself.
Give us something new, a prophesy from recent history. You have to know thomass ass monson is not prepared to stick his neck out with a prophesy of any kind because he knows it is a fraud. He knows he dosen't "walk and talk with god", and if he makes a prophesy he knows he will be proven wrong.
Doubletalk all you want, I want an example of modern prophesy.
PS don't you dare try to claim that when kimball allowed black men to participate in the priesthood it was revelation. It was not. It was sociopolitical decision based on pressure of the time and nothing more.
No need to reply until you have a solid example. I will miss you. On second thought...
William on :
So yeah I mean one would think the writer of this rant is correct.... that is ...until that one reads the Book of Mormon.
Robbie on :
Lostprophet on :
Elder Matumbo on :
Mormon grl and proud of it on :
Robbie on :
Tithe me sideways with a Vaseline coated seer stone!
I've just had an epiphany!
QUICK, where do I check my brain in before my senses return?
Elder Matumbo on :
Robbie on :
Superstitious/religious/irrational thinking alongside rational thinking is perpetuated through many factors, none less than the evolutionary construct of a child following the guidance of his principle role model/s. We’re hardwired from a very early age to abide by a source that we unquestionably respect, trust, are bonded, can learn from, share love, feel safe with and feel loyalty toward. The constant interaction between parent and child obviously enforces this. A baby’s brain is only one quarter developed when born, and the first three years are essential, thereafter they’re sponges to learning via stimuli, and of course this continues through childhood. Later there are our teachers, our peer group, our social setting and perhaps regular reinforcement every Sunday. It can become a monster paradigm that becomes too intellectually and emotionally demanding to shift when reality refuses to ‘go away’ and cognitive dissonance takes hold... and quite often mental illness.
“I want to believe, I want to believe, I want to believe”… but the laws of thermodynamics continue to have last say...
Elder Matumbo on :
Robbie on :
To borrow a quote..
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."
Obviously this isn't solely confined to the quagmire and absurdity of theocratic teachings. I knew a person (a close friend) who despite their horrendous abuse as a child stayed loyal to their (offending) parent right through to the end, which for them came sadly came too early (alcoholism). They knew damn well how evil that parent was, but the bond - although detrimental and life damaging - could never be broken.
I still get tearful.
It's a human tragedy but sadly part of our condition.
And yes, I know of at least one drug addicted Mormon, and several others who're clearly mentally ill, one dangerously. And some have the audacity to state that one can't be critical unless one succumbs to the love bombing, the white teeth and join rank.
Cheers bro.
Don on :
I can imagine Joseph Smith sitting around counting his money thinking about how idiotic people are, and how easy it was empty their pockets and debauch their wives. Kind of funny that he died to a bullet in the face from that very act.
The world would be a better place without all this crap.
Anonymous on :
Besides racism and bigotry vicious Mormons would dress up as Indians raid passing wagon trains, kill, rape, and pillage, then blame the Indians and go kill rape and pillage them.
Joseph Smith has nothing to say about what was important to the Native Peoples and tries to hijack their history and religion.
A RELIGION OF SATAN their just too stupid to know - all hail Joseph Smith!!
Louis on :
Elizabeth on :
Bob on :
Yes of course there are decent people trapped within this schema... but what does that prove?
Where can I claim my $200 Elizabeth? I'm a bit short at the moment due to a dedicated Mormon swindling me out of $1000 plus much, much more... (No lie)
Wilson on :
want answers. What if God tells you that your opinion is wrong? Think you could handle it? Probably not. So, by all means, continue your rant. It really means so very little.
Bob on :
Lostprophet on :
Robbie on :
How often as a child did you hear "Jesus/God is the answer"? I mean, that is just plain retarded.
My regards to Chuck Noland, Wilson - he couldn't have chosen a better imaginary friend
Elder Matumbo on :
You say you have so many gays in your church, so here is a simple question for your simple mind. Name one? Please, name one gay mormon for us.
Wilson, you wonder if we really want answers to our questions? Yes we do! Mormons (you) keep making the claim of modern revelation, but none of you can ever give an example. Please just give us just one example of modern revelation in the last 30 years?
Two very simple questions for two mormon rockstars.
voice of neutrality on :
Elder matumbo, I found a website dedicated to gay and lesbian mormons. Is that sufficient evidence?
Elizabeth, I talked to your missionaries a while back. They really just kept me going in circles, eventually coming to the conclusion that mormonism was an act of faith. To trust a book written by some guy hidden where noone could see him translate said book from sacred gold plates in a foreign language with mmagical rocks.
Elder Matumbo on :
The question was for rockstar mormon elizabeth who makes statements but cannot support them.
There may be mormons who are gay, but they are not openly accepted by the church.
The church says "homosexuality is an abomination" "marriage other than between a man and a women is against the laws of god"
Mormon apostles make it clear that homosexualty is NOT allowed.
According to the bishops handbook of instructions (mormon law) a mormon who confesses to engaging in homosexual activity is subject to a disiplinary council and risks excommunication.
There are many websites as in your example, but none of these sites are supported or approved by the mormon church. If you check with the actual Mormon Church sites, you will find the facts. Just google "mormon handbook of instructions", or batshit (you will get the same result)
So, there may be many mormons who are gay, but once they "come out" they are kicked out.
With respect, please do not attempt to defend what you know very little about. Leave that to the mormon scholars like lizzy and wilson.
Some dude on :
TK (Admin) on :
Bob on :
Now whether he was then subsequently excommunicated for being homosexual, I do not know... and what does it really matter?
If it wasn't for the secretive and defensive nature of this cult, more stories like this would come to the fore. I know of many others, but it would be best if they were made public by first hand.
Elder Matumbo on :
And there you have it. I have not heard this story before. I hope that the Lyndon Lamborn story is revisited and revisited and revisited.
Excellent find TK!
trollo on :
The Church of The Fonz on :
To be continued...
I got bored... Mormons are retarded ... I figure religion is like an assortment of grasses and wild weeds and people are the cows that graze upon these vast grasslands and Mormonism... well... it is not a grass at all but rather just the shit that comes out of cows that eat the grass...
Robbie on :
The Church of the Fonz sounds right up my street! And it's all got to be true, I mean why would you make something as incredibly improbable as that up? I mean, what would be in for you?
Cow-shit eating grass... I'm mesmerized, or should I say Fonzorised... count me in, hey want 10% of my income? No worries mate... no need to posthumously baptize me either, give me a white bed sheet and I'll strip down stark bollock naked just for you...
Oooo, I'm getting excited (had you noticed?) hallelujah or should I be saying... Heyyyyyyyy?
Billy George Michael on :
I was raised catholic in wait for it.... Salt lake shitty, Utah FUCK SOME MOR(m)ONS!!! They act like they are way better than anyone just cause they don't smoke cigarettes or drink beer or even caffine, and they believe some fucked up shit that some dude came up with.
And for the guy that posted the third comment down, way to go proving your point with something you stole from family guy, Asshole... Anyways if that fucking Mormon gets elected, I'm moving to fucking canada, eh! Boycott this whole country for about four years, or as long as it takes for him to be Impeached, cause think about it, when you get all that power and you can't even drink a fucking coca-cola, You'd be bound to have a nervous breakdown and start banging Monica Lewinski's sister.
alexxx123 on :
The Church of The Fonz on :
Of course my initial post was borrowed from Family Guy. I was simply making a point as to how just about any asshole like you can make up a religion on the spot. Hope mormons rape you in your sleep you retard. Now repent and join The Church of The Fonz.
Anonymous on :
Robbie on :
Elder Matumbo on :
Sinner on :
Title of liberty on :
cakeatmidnight on :
Lostpropht on :
go fuck yourself you mormon douche bag on :
Elder Matumbo on :
I am sure that father monson and all the mormon mouthbreathers will be so proud of you for defending all those negative beliefs out there on the internet. I hope you have the opportunity to share your testimony next sunday and tell all the brothers and sisters how you made such a powerful post using the power of the holy ghost. OOOH I have shivers going up and down my spine.
If you belive there are only two types of antimormons you need to remove your head out of joseph smits ass and venture a little bit further out of your bubble to discover there are quite a few more. As far as your church being perfect? a perfect example of a cult maybe.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I attest to you that Joseph smit is a fraud, and mormonism is a dangerous goosestepping cult of lemmings.
The holy ghost is watching when you touch yourself that way.
Stalked by the Holy Ghost (Robbie) on :
And as for the oxy-moron-ically named "Title of Liberty" you said this:
"How does one know he or she is in love with someone? Is it not a feeling in your heart? I attest the holy ghost works in a similar way"
I suggest you perhaps explore a little more as to the processes that generate our huge raft of mammalian (and often transient) 'feelings'. The more one begins to understand how they originate, the less mysterious they become.
Non believers in fairies (such as The Angel Moroni for instance) ask for evidence; for the true feelings of wonder and awe come in discovering what is factual about our world... not bogus.
Oh and tell your Holy Spirit the next time you and him have a chat - 'love is as love does' i.e. it's a 'doing' word - for love without evidence is stalking.
Elder Matumbo on :
Mormons Give Me A Bad Vibe! Hope You All Die!!! on :
Now, I haven't minded people coming over trying to influence... or better yet... change my thought on religious views and what not because I've had similar experiences before but never felt uncomfortable until those 2 guys came around.
After I left, I went to my friends house near by and asked him if I could stay for a while because some 2 dudes gave me a bad vibe which made me leave my own apartment instead of asking them to leave. You can laugh all you want but I felt like (D)evil(S) had entered my house and the only way to rid of it was leaving. I told that to my friend and he laughed because he had met them before as well... referring to them as "Los Mormones Pendejos" literally meaning Those Fucking Mormons. I didn't know they were mormons at first, until my friend told me. Even then after I knew they were mormons, I didn't quite understand what exactly they were or what they were trying to preach, so I never gave it much thought after that. 10 years later, I just think it's funny in some way.
Dwd on :
Anonymous on :
Robbie on :
And as for prayer, again so much easier than actually *doing* something - a bit like Brian's Escape Committee in Monty Python's 'The Life of Brian'. When times get tough let's stick our heads into the sand.
And Dwd, if you believe that the doctrine of Vicarious Redemption by human sacrifice is a basis for morality then you my friend are as deluded as your pious fellow loons. I bid you and your Celestial Dictator every happiness in the after-life, just please keep the noise down as some of us wish to live our lives for today and with both feet within the basis of reality. So keep your proselytising black and white-ism to your self and go find a nice effigy to talk to.
Joey's ghost on :
He did not translate the alleged golden plates behind a curtain. He had his face stuck in a hat and magically the words appeared using magic rocks (Urim and Thummim). The elusive golden plates were not in the room most times according to witnesses. It would have been difficult for them to be in the room as they didn't exist.
Joey was one of the greatest con men of all time. LDS HQ in Salt Lake City does tend to exaggerate their membership as people are duped into joining the cult and then the ones with IQs slight higher than their shoe size bail when they are fed some of the more ridiculous doctrine of the cult.
Random Gal on :
Austin on :
Phony Moroni on :
As cults go, Moronism is evidentially one of the most cultish. And by definition subscribing to a cult/religion is a surrender of faculty and subscription to the notion of wishful thinking. In an age that has provided greater understanding of ourselves and the universe, to turn blind eye and return to primal philosophy is lazy, an evasion of personal responsibility and quite clearly fucking retarded.
nu_11 on :
“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matt. 25:37–40.)
To the rest..I say what I say not dependant on convincing, but that it has been said here, if it was not before.
Have a good weekend people..if you can get past the potential vitriol of the any good topic.
Robbie on :
(Noddy at the Seaside. Chapter 6 p46-48)
Anonymous on :
"mormons are retards"
38,100 results
"mormons are retarded"
147,000 results
"mormons belief crazy shit"
352,000 results
"mormons are idiots"
731,000 results
"mormons aren't christians"
1,340,000 results
"mormons are racist"
1,910,000 results
"joseph smith was a retard"
2,060,000 results
"mormons are weird"
2,510,000 results
"mormons are stupid"
3,050,000 results
"mormons are dumb"
3,540,000 results
"don't elect a mormon president"
3,620,000 results
"kick mormons out" (there's a website for this one where EVERYONE should sign up!)
3,720,000 results
"mormons are crazy"
4,370,000 results
"mormons are full of shit"
4,620,000 results
"mormons are a cult"
5,650,000 results
"mormons are not friendly"
7,150,000 results
"mormons are evil"
7,180,000 results
"mormons are wrong"
7,870,000 results
"mormonism is a joke"
8,070,000 results
"joseph smith was a liar"
13,900,000 results
"mormons are not your friends"
14,000,000 results
"mormonism is evil"
18,600,000 results
"mormonism is a lie"
"mormonism is false"
18,800,000 results
"mormonism is not christianity"
19,100,000 results
"mormons are full of it"
40,800,000 results
"joseph smith was a fraud"
66,200,000 resultsu
"joseph smith was full of shit
94,200,000 results
"joseph smith was a con"
"joseph smith was not a prophet"
258,000,000 results
"joseph smith was full of it"
414,000,000 results
We should gather up all mormons, put them in a boat, send them across ANY large ocean and sink it in the middle of nowhere
ANON on :
Robbie on :
If a Moron genuinely wishes to "serve his fellow man" I suggest he/she keep their retarded aspirations to the confines of their living rooms (after the kids have gone to bed, naturally) as they're plain retarded with regard to the ascent of man.
And stop sending your brainwashed zealot 19 year olds out as canon* fodder for your cause, you should be ashamed of yourselves. You clandestine elitist Masonaric loonies...
"Don't answer the question they ask, answer the question they should have asked."
Robert Millet (Author of "You Lying Get - a Modern Guide to Moron Apologetics"
Mormon Moran on :
J on :
be careful Mormons you will loose your essence completely, if you loose all of yourself. DON'T BE A ROBOT! ASK YOURSELF QUESTIONS!! NOT THE CHURCH! LIES HURT . THE TRUTH FEELS GOOD!! BE YOURSELF!!
Oh yes one more thing!! BAPTISM OF THE DEAD WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK FUCKKK!! Ok can you say SATANIC! those crazy mutha fuckers! I for one am sure as hell glad im not mormon
that is also called conjuring of the spirits! I can't believe people don't question this.
its evil! and wrong!!
Voting Left This Year on :
Obama for four more years because . . . really? What's the alternative?
Anonymous on :
(JST Nobby at the seashore chap 6 vs. 23)
A Mormon President? FUCK NO!!! on :
Might as well vote for Obama instead.
Just make sure to tell him to outlaw mormonism.
ROMNEY is the root of all evil.
By the way...
Don't tell the mormons but their religion is not real.
It's like playing Doctor.
You can dress up, act the part, believe it, but in the end.... you're not a Doctor.
Don't let his magic underwear lure you in.
You have been warned.
Lostprophet on :
Mormons Are Scientifically Retarded on :
"Mormons sort of have an extra chromosome when it comes to American exceptionalism."
Really, Senator Lee? That scientifically means that Mormons are retarded. Truly, mental retardation and their beliefs about race go hand-in-hand.
Source: The Hill
Your leader on :
Robbie on :
“Very little knowledge – of what they’re speaking on”, is that so? Please define the degree of knowledge one must know before establishing that religion (and more namely Moronism) is retarded? I’m wondering at this point in time how versed you are in the true effects/ramifications of superstition upon mankind; was there a college course available examining this by any chance?
Plus everyone has the right to judge another, we all do it – so let’s be honest about this, it’s how we make our sensible choices. For example, when you’re (seriously) ill and need to see the doctor, to whom do you go – a faith healer? Would you have a doctor who rejects the fundamentals of science treat your children?
I’m glad you find it funny, although you’ll have to appreciate that someone of us are pretty sick of the way bullshit poisons everything. I.e. sometimes it’s beyond a joke.
Your leader on :
Haters on :
Your leader on :
Robbie on :
I’ll be first to admit that I am ignorant about many things with regard to the (often clandestine) workings of the Moron church – but not completely ignorant. I’ve formed my views over many years not via assumptive reasoning but by the evidence presented. My approach has been multi directional i.e. a reasoned look from different aspects and perspectives. The religious mind (especially the theistic) often convinces itself that it does same, but I posit that their inquiry remains within limited grounds - a ‘comfort zone’ if you like. Yes, this may ‘work for them’ (as you put it) but it’s that very fear of the dark which retards mankind’s advance and keeps the lazy minded as ‘couch potatoes’ watching the likes of William Craig (the epitome of ignorance) enforce their own delusion.
The physical universe is the way it is, not the way we think or indeed wish it should be. True science moves to explain how, religion presupposes a ‘why’ and then works backwards thus it is retarded by definition.
And being first (second, third or even seventh) at a disaster scene to give aid is a reflection of decent considerate human behaviour – which begs the question. Do the religious aid their fellow human because they (believe) they’ve been instructed to as per their Holy Book or do they give help via an innate sense of wishing to help those around them who are less fortunate?
Your leader on :
Tom on :
Robbie on :
Elder Matumbo on :
Your claim that "NOT ONE LEADER" gets paid for their service is also false. The mormon church makes the claim of unpaid ministry but they neglect to disclose the fact that the mormon prophet and apostles recieve generous living allowances and expense accounts that exceed many CEO incomes.
If you are going to waste our time with drivel, please at least give us factually correct drivel.
Your Leader, your claim that a large mormon farm = true church is asinine. You are surely the leader... of the idiots ( I guess elders quorum)
Tom on :
Oh yeah one last thing, I am a so called "retarded" mormon. I have not been attending for the last 6 years of my life. I've been angry, spiteful, out of the church, and honestly i fought against it much like everyone else on this site. However, seeing all this along with other things just reconfirms why it really is such an amazing church.
Many of you cannot understand this religion, have heard bad things past down about it, or even for those of you who work countless hours to somehow prove it to others to be wrong. The religion can be described as simple as this, "KINDNESS is our religion."
If somehow one of us, all of us, or just our beliefs in general have offended you, well then, in behalf of all of us and all the horrible things we have done to you, "we sincerely apologize it never was,is, or will be our intention."
Tom on :
I do know some of your so called "facts" are a little incorrect or worthless to talk about with people who have made up minds. It's like trying to prove God does or does not exist. Can you really PROVE any of it? Ha ha waste of time for everyone but here you go for your entertainment or pleasure. You can burn a Book of Mormon later k.
1. Mountain Meadows. It was horrible, however, did you somehow travel back to the past? Or did anti Mormon material somehow get altered throughout time? How do you know what is fact? This story has been blown apart by both sides. I can defend the Mormons, just as easily as you can try to tear them down. Did some Mormons do a wrong thing? YES. Was it the church as a whole? NO. Were some mormons fighting back to prove a point? Yes. But then again you are the master right? Wait the documents you have about it were the exact truth right? Come on now.
2. Prop 8. Did a ton of Mormons get together and become organized? Well yes. Did they vote? Yes. Was it mandatory within the church for them to vote! NO. Did they do it because they don't believe In gay marriage? Yes. Is it because they are homophobic? Maybe some are??? Did they put all there money together to help their cause? Yes. Did other religions as well? yes!!!! Did other people as well, yes!!! Did majority of black people vote against gays? Yes!!! What do you want me to say? Mormon members raised a lot of money. They are a very organized people and they are very firm about their beliefs. I'm sorry that it didn't turn out the way that gays would have wanted. Once again though, more than just Mormons donated money, Including many other churches that were never mentioned. They checked the files. Mormons were an easy target for people. Are you trying to also tell me that no one uses donation money in politics? What about celebrity donations? Media? Other organizations? Other churches? And NO gays never put money together ha ha ha give me a break. (sounds to me like elder matumbo has a typical gay persecution complex like all gays do. SUCKS when people stereotype huh. Oh by the way Steve young the quarterback who is lds and active stood against prop 8. Not all Mormons were out to get cha! Nor did the church get mad at him. Think about that and look that up for your factual binder.
3. I don't claim that not one leader gets paid, I know they don't. You know why? The prophet and the apostles live by a law called the law of consecration. Look it up since you have all the facts. I've seen exactly where they live and met and talked with many of them. The law of consecration, What that means, is that these men (some who are brain surgeons, doctors, and other careers) give all that they own, (some millions that they had) to the church. In doing so they are given an allowance of that money they GAVE to survive. Most (including the prophet) live in small apartments in downtown SLC. They are driven around in cars that the church owns. They fly on jets that the church owns, not them. They eat normal food. They don't wear fancy jewerly or go to elaborate million dollar CEO parties. Ha ha ha. Their wives are not pampered with expensive gifts daily. You are really mislead. They live a life of service. It's much like the missionaries "ELDER". I served in Chile for 2 years. Did I get paid? Ha ha ha I showered with a bucket of cold water everyday. The money I saved before my mission I donated and it was then dispersed to me in increments for 2 years. I not only taught about what I believe but I painted homes, cleaned yards, took care of sick, etc... I loved it. Why you ask? Because it taught me how to love everyone, including my enemies. Hey Elder, maybe you should serve. You already gave yourself the title.
Still don't understand how the church has money? Okay do me a favor k. This next year, save just 10% of anything you make and set it aside. At the end of the year you will have a lot of money saved up. Now just imagine the people within the church that have millions and pay tithing.
Your facts make me laugh but honestly they make me sad that some people preach hatred more than love. Anyway, I'm done ha ha ha. I wish you the best.
Robbie on :
I’ve heard the above Moron horse shit so many times – it’s bog standard propagandist spiel that only the credulous and Moronic buy. Well I’ve news for you Tom, the world is now waking up and seeing absurd supernaturalist religious cults such as yours for what they are. The cat’s out of the bag, any intelligent person with a computer can educate themselves if they so wish. You’ve been exposed, no more hiding behind piety, self-imposed martyrdom and the "Mr Nice Guy" banner. If you truly wish for refuge, choose reality... it's not easy at times, but at least it doesn't fuck with your head.
Elder Matumbo on :
You are a dim witted lemming aren't you. Its too bad you had to waste so much time learning spanish for your mission that you neglected to learn about your religion. Your 3 counterpoints are pretty much just rambling incoherent trash.
1. The mormon church has made several apologies for the Mountain Meadow Massacre most recently by Henry Eyring in 2007. The mormon church seldom takes responsibility for their actions but in this case, the chuch has accepted responsibility so why can't you?
2.The mormon church sent 20 million dollars to California to fund the anti-gay proposition 8. Court records also indicate that the church was fined for not disclosing the entire amount. Deny all you want but if you remove your head from your ass and look up the public court documents you will find this is a well documented fact.
3. You have accused me of having my own persecution complex because I am either black, gay. athiest blah blah. First, this statment exposes you as an ass, but second you missed the target. Unfortunately the only skeleton in my closet that I am embarassed to confess is that I was a mormon for many years.
In fact Tom, for several years I was the stake financial secretary and dealt with church headquarters very frequently. I am well aware of the church finances and if there is one thing mormons like to do is gossip and I got many stories from those in the know in SLC about the muted but extravagant lifestyles of the church leaders. Monson has quite a reputation for being a demanding pig.
So tom, I have earned my title of elder and you can now just go and fuck your hatbadge!
Tom on :
TK (Admin) on :
BTW - Please weigh in on who is winning this Mormon smack-down with the "Who's winning" poll in the upper left-hand side of the blog. There appears to be an early favorite but don't relent! Keep on jabbing away!
TK (Admin)
Robbie on :
Ha ha ha (just paraphrasing Major Tom there),
Thanks for allaying my "anger" TK, I mean I've really been steaming under the collar here, "hating" away, eating babies who dare look at me funny, pushing old ladies over in the street, having indiscriminate sex with whomever I choose (see what I did there) and oh, mustn't forget drinking copious amounts of coffee.
It's a hard tiring life being a heathen, but without us - how else would the zealots externalize?
Tom on :
"it is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world, and moral courage so rare.". It's sad not one of you has the moral courage to see, hey this is petty and pathetic. Why hurt little kids, women, or others? Oh yeah it's because you must value who you are and you must stand for things that build people up. Ha ha. I wish you all the best in life, i really do. Robbie, elder and TK, take it easy guys and Just Reeeelaaaxxx ha ha If you don't believe there is a real purpose to this life then why do you care anyway? If I were you, and I had no purpose heck I would freaking live it up with positivity. Life is so much better when negativity is eliminated. Build up a few Mormons once in a while, who knows your positivity might cure their retarded brainwashed insignificant lives.
Robbie on :
I'm off to club a few baby seals now (it helps me unwind), so so long and good luck with your new meds!
problem solver on :
heckubiss on :
Elder Matumbo on :
You are a dim witted lemming aren't you. Its too bad you had to waste so much time learning spanish for your mission that you neglected to learn about your religion. Your 3 counterpoints are pretty much just rambling incoherent trash.
1. The mormon church has made several apologies for the Mountain Meadow Massacre most recently by Henry Eyring in 2007. The mormon church seldom takes responsibility for their actions but in this case, the chuch has accepted responsibility so why can't you?
2.The mormon church sent 20 million dollars to California to fund the anti-gay proposition 8. Court records also indicate that the church was fined for not disclosing the entire amount. Deny all you want but if you remove your head from your ass and look up the public court documents you will find this is a well documented fact.
3. You have accused me of having my own persecution complex because I am either black, gay. athiest blah blah. First, this statment exposes you as an ass, but second you missed the target. Unfortunately the only skeleton in my closet that I am embarassed to confess is that I was a mormon for many years.
In fact Tom, for several years I was the stake financial secretary and dealt with church headquarters very frequently. I am well aware of the church finances and if there is one thing mormons like to do is gossip and I got many stories from those in the know in SLC about the muted but extravagant lifestyles of the church leaders. Monson has quite a reputation for being a demanding pig.
So tom, I have earned my title and you can now just go and fuck your hatbadge!
Elder Matumbo on :
nonya on :
Elder Matumbo on :
I think I remember you from the Jeopardy tournament of champions.
Robbie on :
Elder Matumbo on :
Robbie on :
Well during some ‘delightful’ discussions with a theotard recently – who incidentally didn’t impart to me which version of rock he was fervently being led to – I had this idea. You see he described my disbelief in god/gods as being a ‘religion’ and this had me thinking. Due to lack of evidence, there are many other things I don’t believe in such as Precambrian rabbits, fairies disguised as angels (or vice versa), unicorns (tee hee), magic, crop circles, celestial teapots, Lancaster bombers on the moon, homeopathy, astrology, divining, Mormon geneticists, pseudo science and Clint Eastwood’s proficiency as a Gestalt therapist.
So I thought about turning these vacant Taj Mahals into ‘Churches of disbelief’, you know a place where skeptical folk could congregate and have a good laugh at the expense of the credulous and intentionally blinkered.
But then I thought that although not clandestine, the idea was perhaps a tad elitist. And knowing mankind’s inherent taste for bullshit – well it wouldn’t be long before we’d have another 'Library of Alexandria' as the pious mobs descended weilding fire bombs, crucifixes and butt plugs.
Either that or we could lease them all out to Starbucks.
What would you suggest Elder Matumbo?
Kerrie Hamra on :
Elder Matumbo on :
Speaking of elitists, butt plugs, and bullshit - Mittmormon Romney is in the news tonight:
“…this week, Mitt Romney up’d the ante, telling a crowd in Virginia ‘I will not take God off of our coins!’ …taking a bold and unwavering stand against something no one has ever asked anyone to do.”
“Other things Romney will not do with currency, no matter how much you threaten or plead include nailing a silver dollar to his forehead and shoving a roll of dimes up his ass. By the way, that’s Pat Robertson standing behind Mitt … because who knows more about using the connection between God and money.”
Bill Maher
Robbie on :
Thanks for that
Hey Matumbo, I don't know if you've heard but in downtown Sydney today some members of the 'religion of peace' have been truly getting their knickers in a twist. Several arrests, a few riot police in hospital. Apparently that shit film by "Sam Becile" has driven the im-beciles nuts. Just as well Jo didn't know wtf he was on about when proclaiming to become another Muhammad... to the moron's credit he probably didn't want to impose some kind of Sharia Law or something (please correct me if I'm wrong... I'm probably wrong, aren't I?).
And as for those who want to behead insulters of the (so called) "prophet" I think there's a good case for beheading those who can't make a half decent insulting film against Islam, I mean ffs it can't be that hard! Wankers.
I urge the world to FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHT TO BE OFFENDED!! And while we're at it don't shy at ridiculing obvious bullshit at any given opportunity!
Right, Gene's C24th beckons - Next Gen here I come.
Elder Matumbo on :
Muhammad Ali
"Joe's been smokin and I mean tokin that he got so high and made up a lie - He made up a book that dirty little crook, and part of that fraud was that he was a god. That boy smith created such a myth that those who are blind and have weak a mind would give their consent to pay 10 percent. He went really far and got more bizarre and convinced dull-wits to swear to put on magic underwear. "
Muhammad Mutumbo ( I am not a poet and really do know it)
Robbie on :
I could vividly see you there attempting to bop up and down under the weight of excessive bling, baseball cap reversed, hand gestures going awry – the black superman punch drunk after a heavy night on the town. Hmm, Muhammad, the ‘black superman’ Moron rap star, who would’ve believed it?
Have you ever considered busking under the yard-glass downing Moroni on a Sunday morning?
Elder Matumbo on :
My relative, Pliny the Elder would be impressed with our beer marketing skills.
Cierra (A Completley Retarded Mormon) on :
Asholio420 on :
Emmett on :
Make no mistake: Brigham Young, the Great Brigham Young, ordered the massacre. Anything less than an admission of this culpability is a calculated lie.
Nicky on :
"Those without sin cast the first stone." I ask of all of you, are you completely free of sin or wrong doing? I know that I am not. The point is that I try my best to be better each day. Also the Church leaders are NOT paid. Be careful what you read on the internet because there is a lot of anti stuff out there that does not speak the truth about this religion. It took me a long time to decide that Mormonism was best for me. Not for everyone, but for me. How would you feel if someone set up a website devoted to desolating your beliefs?
Me honestly? I think it is sad and I wish that you all did not feel so much hatred toward the Latter-day Saint people (LDS), but it does not shake my faith. The most important thing is that I love my Savior and I want to devote my life to him in the best way I know how. I hope that everyone does the same in their own way no matter how that is.
Anonymous on :
Welcome back! I know you are here again because the holy ghost prompted you to come back to seek out the truth.
You asked "How would you feel if someone set up a website devoted to desolating your beliefs?"
Make (someone) feel utterly wretched and unhappy.
There is a website that is devoted to "desolating" my beliefs and that website is That site fits the definition to a capital "T".
proud mormon on :
Nicky on :
What exactly does said or done to destroy your beliefs? Have you checked out Really looked at it?
I do know the truth for me. I love my religion and have done a lot of self searching to know if it was true or not.
Proud Mormon,
Are you alright? please don't talk like that. Love and forgiveness is Christs way and it should be ours as well.
Emmett on :
Elder Matumbo on :
Today at lunch, I was asked about the mormon word of wisdom. This is one thing that has always baffled me, and I could not give an answer.
The word of wisdom states that hot drinks are not for the body. Why does that include only coffee and tea? Mormons consume copious amounts of hot chocolate at ward winter events. Why is herbal tea ok when standard tea is not? They are both usually served at the same "hot" temperature.
If it is because of the caffeine? If that is the reason, why do mormons consume so much coke, pepsi, mountain dew, root beer... Many of mormons I know consume litres of diet coke and pepsi per day.
Mormons love sweets; dry cocoa powder for cooking contains over 200mg of caffeine. There is a law office here that are all mormons and they keep a fridge stocked with red bull, you can't really get more caffeine than that unless you hook up to an IV.
This is just one of the many rules that mormons make justifications to break. Bring-em young used to disipline and excommunicate members for breaking this rule, why not now?
This word of wisdom phooey can only be explained this way: CULT mond control tactics. The mormon church is a dangerous hypocritic cult that produces such all-stars as "proud mormon" above. If you are not a mormon you are "dirt".
Well, I have been on both sides of the fence, and I prefer drinking coffee with the rest of the non-mormon "dirt"
Have a coke and a smile.
Nicky on :
The Word of Wisdom can be a bit confusing. Hot drinks does mean tea and coffee, we don't know why but that is what our leaders have told us. It is not because of the caffine. It is a personal choice to drink caffine or not, or even eat chocolate. For example my dad made a personal covenant with God that he did not want to consume any type of caffine and so he is no longer eatting any kind of chocolate.
Second, not every LDS member follows the covenants and promises we have made. It is a choice to do as we have been asked and there are those who might look down on those who do, but for the most part we try to love them and support them, if not their lifestyle.
Joseph Smith on :
Emmett on :
Elder Matumbo on :
"It is a choice to do as we have been asked and there are those who might look down on those who do, but for the most part we try to love them and support them, if not their lifestyle." Blah Blah
What a non sequitur. Have you not ever wondered why you do not have answers? How do you just accept what your "leaders" tell you? That is asenine! Why would God just choose a couple of random beverages to ban from members of his church?
Why didn't God pick cup a soup, or Postum maybe? If I was God I would certainly ban Postum! have you ever tasted postum? dreadful! I think coffee is more healthy than ice cream. Maybe that fat ass monson should try coffee with his donuts and maybe lose a pound or seventy.
Why would God give one rats ass what beverage you consume for breakfast? Idiotic mormon mind control.
Nicky on :
I do not just accept what my leaders have said. I know that I do not have all the answers and neather do my leaders. I know and accept this as a fact of life. If I question something then I go to the scriptures, all of them not just the Book of Mormon but the Bible as well, and come up with my own explanation. I also prey for wisdom and understanding.
On this issue of the Word of Wisdom the answer I personaly recived was that my eternal soul did not rest on understanding everything before I died. I was free to break this law if I choose, but I would lose many precious blessings if I did break the Word of Wisdom.
It is not an unjust punishment, I had covenented when I was eight to keep the Word of Wisdom and if I choose not to follow it then the consiquences are something I must deal with. I accept responsibility for my actions.
I am not being mind controled. I think for myself and I ask many of the same questions many of the people on this site ask, the difference is that I do not go to some unknowns source for answers. I go to the Scriptures and to God for the answers. I know many of you will think me stupid for doing this, but it is how my religion works. "Ask and ye shall recive, knock and it shall be opened unto you, amen."
The Church cares what I do, say, how I act, what I wear, and who I am because they care about me. I know in the world today this is seen as so controling and restrictive, but I feel free because of the rules that I keep. There are many things I do not have to worry about in my life because I follow the rules and commandments set for me by my church. So what if I don't understand a small part of the Word of Wisdom, I understand the rest and it all keeps me safe, so I will follow all of it knowing that even though I do not know the reason for not drinking coffee God does and he is protecting me.
Emmett on :
Your reasoning frightens me. Islamic fundamentalists -- the Salafist nutjobs -- have the same reasoning as you do. You belong to a faith, you pray for guidance, you believe what a voice in your head tells you, and you interpret scripture for your own needs. The distance from your position to that of a Salafist suicide bomber is the distance from privilege to destitution.
Darcy on :
Elder Matumbo on :
Mormons give up the best part of life which is the freedom and RESPONSIBILITY to think and do for yourself.
I also call bullshit that you say the word of wisdom is only a small part that you don't understand. There is far more about mormonism that you do not understand than that. I promise you that.
By the way, when I knocked, the answer I received was to stay as far away from mormonism as possible. Your response will be that it was Satan answering because God was out for a coffee break.
Nicky on :
I went through a very hard time in my life, where everything I believed was oposite to the LDS way of life. It was the worst couple years of my entire life. I didn't trust anything said by my leaders because I couldn't trust them to tell me the truth, or so I thought. When I finally let go of my fear, hate, and anger was when I came back to Church. The reason I stay is because it makes me happy. I went through a lot of searching to find that this was the right thing for me. I am not brain washed. When I wake up in the morning I will remember what I did the night before, I wont fear that I made a mistake, I wont find out that I am pregnant and have no clue who the father is, or pregnant and not be ready for it, there are so many things that my beliefs protect me from.
In the world today the rules I follow seem resticting, but they free me in a way that I cannot explain.
I have been in a sacrament meeting when someone did raise their hand to say that the person called should not be in that calling. They don't make a big fuss about it, the Bishop meets with the person who rose their hand and they talk about why. It didn't make a difference that time, but I know of times when it has.
I am insulted that I am seen as someone who cannot think or make desisions myself. I am a Psychology major. Everything I do up at school involves me finding truth, thinking past what is told me and discovering the truth, no matter if it is in a textbook or not. I do know how to think and reason for myself, and I do it everysingle day. Just because I have values that I follow does not mean that I don't think for myself and make my own desisions.
When I said that there is only a portion of the Word of Wisdom I do not understand, I meant just that. There is only a small portion of the WORD OF WISDOM I do not yet understand, in the entire Church there are many things that I am still trying to figure out and no I do not agree with a few things said by the First Presidency. That is why I search for myself.
I am so sorry that you have found you need to stay away from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I will not condem you or damn you for coming to this relization. It is your choice and although I find it sad I will not belittle your beliefs. I hope someday that your mind is changed, but if it is not then I understand and wish you the best in this life and the next.
As long as you are happy then that is all that matters.
Elder Matumbo on :
You said "When I wake up in the morning I will remember what I did the night before, I wont fear that I made a mistake, I wont find out that I am pregnant and have no clue who the father is, or pregnant and not be ready for it, there are so many things that my beliefs protect me from"
Oh-my-God, this is a typical arrogant mormon highground statement. If your not a mormon, you must be a drunk. Now that's insulting to pretty much everyone. I get so sick of you mormons and your moral highground. You mormons think everyone that takes a drink is a drunk, and there is no morality outside of the mormon compound walls. This is why mormons are despised. (one reason anyway)
Next, check your statistics please. Mormon teen pregnancy rates are equal to almost every other religion, except in Utah, where mormon teen pregnancy is almost 3 times the national average as of 2007. So much for the "rules" protecting them. Pray all you want about it, these remain the facts despite what your leaders say.
I guess you will have to remain insulted because it is clear from every one of your responses that you do not think for yourself. You said as much. You said you like all the rules and all the decisions the church makes for you. It makes life so simple. Just float along in your mormon daze not having to think and make any choices for yourself. I am sorry that mormons are to weak/lazy minded to want to breakout of this mormon bubble.
Lastly, I am pretty sure you don't even realize what a self righteous statment you made when you say that you will not condemn or damn me for my beliefs.
Oh thank you Lord Nicky the Christ, thank you for not condemning me and damning me to hell. I bow and kneel before you and your judgemental mormon authority.
Nicky on :
I know that teen Mormon pregnancy is up, guess what my sister was one of those teens. I will say it again, we are not perfect. We make mistakes and children who are raised Mormon don't always agree with their parents.
Lastly I did not mean that as self righteous. I am not judgemental of you, in fact I find your beliefs rather fasinating and this is a great place to look up new mormon conspericies.
Emmett on :
Elder Matumbo on :
Nicky, you stole that line from Seinfeld. Festivus Rules!
We all know mormons are not perfect, but down deep, they really think they are. This is exactly the reason why anal bleaching has never really become popular in utah.
Gordon Freeman on :
Satan has caught a grip on you and just like the untouchables in hinduism that's what you will be in the spirit world and after judgment. good riddance. i really dont care about being nice to you since you have clearly not earned it. enjoy your sinful life while you can. because after that you will regret it.
WIntour on :
TK (admin) on :
Ashley on :
Nicky on :
Elder Matumbo, I have never seen Seinfeld so I have no idea what you are talking about...
Ashley, take it easy there will always be those who attack our beliefs.If you come back here then take my suggetsion and read the book of Enos, I found a lot of comfort there when I first foun this site.
Elder Matumbo on :
Mormons typically respond "you need to do some research". Research has been done and If you look back through the posts, you will see that mormons have been provided with numerous facts, but these facts are ignored and countered with feelings, promptings, burning bosoms, and blind faith. There is a small place in life for faith, but when facts exists, fact trumps faith. mormonism defies fact and logic.
You say that if we want to learn something, talk to a member of the mormon church. Ok then, go for it. Teach us something that you know. I will give you a starting point. I was just reading an article that the mormon church earns more than 7 billion dollars per year from tithes and offerings. The "church" or "corporation of the president" in turn reinvests this income into FOR PROFIT business such as malls, office complexes, ranches, farms, real estate, construction companies, manufacturing etc. etc. Most of the returns on these investments are not distributed to the poor and needy (just enought to keep the religious tax free status) but are hoarded by the for-profit prophet and his corporation.
Please enlighten us with some of your mormon insider insight on why such a god serving, non profit organization is such a enormous profit dragon?
TK (Admin) on :
In a court of law, they would have already been found incompetent to stand trial.
If I took a shit in the woods, buried it, and then pointed back to the un-locatable shit as evidence, I would be laughed out of the courtroom.
For some reason they wish to remain simple and do not wish to investigate further explanations for their faith... I am sad for THEM. (1 Cor. 14:37)
I point out these verses not to entice, but to prove the point that anyone can prove their position by a completely ridiculous and unscientific text.
Elder Matumbo on :
"I wasn't with Joseph, but I believe him. My faith did not come to me through science, and I will not permit so-called science to destroy it."
Thomas S. Monson (moron prophet)
Nicky on :
Where did you find that information about tiths and offerings? I am genuinely curious to know about that. I can assure you that the Church does not use tiths or offerings for anything non church related. They are used to help the poor and also to build churchs and Temples. Have you watched the latest show about Mormonism, done by a news station? It shows a Bishop Store house filled with wheel chairs, food and other nessesities availiable to everyone, not just members of the church. In Leviticus 27:30 it reads "And the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lords:It is holy unto the Lord." We do not just use the Book of Mormon, we use the Bible too. Personally my favorite book of scripture is St.John.
TK, I really love the scripture Job 6:24. Job was a humble man and was a perfect example of who we should try to be when we are struggling with trials of faith. He never wavers in that faith even when his entire family dies and he loses absolutely everything. Still he cleaves unto God. Elder Matumbo said above that fact trumps faith. I find this statement very sad because even facts change and become false or simply change slightly. Fact is not really fact in many ways, so why does it trump faith? Faith is an essental part of any religion, not just Mormonism.
TK, you mentioned above that faith would never hold up in court and that our 'blind faith' would never hold up to any kind of scruteny. I find this a very odd comment because the Bible that you have quoted would be absolutely rediculous without faith. A child born of a virgin, an atonement given to men through a saviors sacrifice, pillers of fire and the parting of the Red Sea. All of this without faith combine to make a wonderful fiction novel. 1 Corinthians 15:14 reads "And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is vain." Faith must exist in any religion someone studys, because if we do not look through anothers eyes to their religion it will seem stupid and backwards.
Everyone has faith in something no matter if that is science, Christianity, Budism, or any other belief. Without that faith then we cannot believe anything. The world would call this feeling trust.
Elder Matumbo on :
Did you hear recently about the idiot that jumped the fence at the Zoo to pet a lion? He had faith that the lion would not hurt him. The lion attacked and ripped out his throat. He is dead. The fact is, lions kill people. This fact may contradict the bible, but it is a fact.
Here is the link to the mormon money trail, although I expect you won't believe it. I don' think anything can penetrate that bubble you live in:
Paste in your browser.
TK (Admin) on :
Nicky on :
Now for the bit about the Lion. Faith can only go so far, when someone is stupid enough to think that God will save him from a lion like Danial in the lions den then faith is not enough to save him. We still have to use common sense and the Spirit will try to keep us out of danger but will not always work in the way we expect. He is God and He does not think in the same way we do.
Mormon on :
Elder Matumbo on :
If I can save but one soul from mormonism, how great shall be my reward.
Nicky on :
Thank you for your gift of a seed, but I am afraid that it will not be enough to make me turn from my religion. You might see faith as something foolish, but it is what keeps me going. Without faith I would be dead right now, I would have killed myself because of the few horrible things that happened to me in life, but through Christ I have been made whole and I can move forward with my life even if it is still hard. I know that Mormonism is not for everyone, I did not come here to try and convert you all. I came here to better understand the arguments against my beliefs. Some have been more enlightening than others.
Emily on :
NATE on :
theman on :
Joseph Smith was killed while running away....He was no William Wallace eh??? (braveheart)Wallace died for his belief in freedom. Rastafarians are a little funky too, but hey their Jesus was an Ethiopean King??? I guess ganja can get you closer to God. The music is good and Bob Marley was a great messenger. Islam on the other hand has 103 versus in the Koran on violence for all who dont believe in Alah. That religion will not stop until all are converted. Isreal needs to wake up and smell the Uranium now!!!!
just my two cents. I do believe in a powerful energy that we cant really comprehend or explain. Religion truly tries to accomplish this, but not doing such a good job.
Nicky on :
Elder Matumbo on :
1) While in Jail, Joseph and Hyrum sent for wine. The book "history of the church" indicates that the wine was not for sacrament, but to lift their spirits... literally. (remember this was after he made up the word of wisdom. (The do as I say not as I do rule book)
2) Joseph did not go quietly like the "lamb". Brother Weelock had given him a pistol which he had in his pocket. When the mob broke in, Joseph managed to get off three shots killing at least two as he ran to the window. He was shot in the back as he tried to escape from jail. Saying he was like a lamb to the slaughter is a complete distortion of reality and a LIE.
3)THe story that he called out my lord my god is another fabrication, although what else would you say when you get shot other than "Goddamn it", or holy "fuck they got me". "oh my god" or "good lord" is not unbelievable.
Adolf Hitler only wishes that he was a mormon because in 50 more years, these mormon spindoctors would have him remembered as persecuted snow white lamb.
Nicky on :
Who wrote this book? What are his/her credentials and how do you know you can trust them? I went Carthage jail and felt such an amazing spirit there. It was heart breaking but soothing to be where he was killed and think about what had happened that day. I think i heard something about wine but I don't remember and hoestly it does not bother me. Where did you read that Brother Weelock gave him a pistol? I have never heard that before in my life. Why is it so hard to believe that Joseph called out 'My Lord my God?' If you have not heard the music from "My Servent Joseph I would sugest you listen to it, it tells of Josephs life and death better than I can.
Elder Matumbo on :
Your statements contridict your own chruch history. MY GOD, are you really telling us you get your information from songs?? Explains a-lot!
Perhaps you should take your fellow mormons advice and DO SOME RESEARCH on your own church! READ A GODDAM BOOK and will learn much more than songs, goosebumps, and spirits can ever teach you!
Jesus Christ Nicky I don't want to get personal, but come on, use some of that grey matter that god gave you to think for yourself.
This 7-book series (aka "Documentary History of the Church") is the official history (written between 1839 and 1856) of the early Latter Day Saint movement during the lifetime of founder Joseph Smith, Jr. It is largely composed of Smith's writings and interpolations and editorial comments by Smith's secretaries, scribes---and, after Smith's death, by LDS Church historians
Nicky on :
I do my own research thank you very much, music just speaks to me in a special way and it was written by a faithful church member who had a great understanding of church history, if I remember correctly he was a church historian himself. I really don't care if you listen to it or not. I do read church books and I do research on my religion, but I have not read "History of the Church." You say that it is written by church historians, which church historians? I would like names so that when I look it up I find the right one because I know for a fact there is more than one. I did not contridict what you said about the wine or gun, only that I had never heard it before. As for the saying for all I know that could be wrong as well, I have not seen a church leader speak of that line and would like to know where you got your information. I need more than a book title and written by 'church historians.'
I understand that you think that I am dumb for just 'following the spirit', but I do my own research because I love my religion and did go through a hard time when I was not sure that it was true. My testimony will stay the same no matter what mistakes the early men of the church made. They are still men, still make mistakes. I know Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and that he did translate the Book of Mormon that is another testiment of Jesus Christ. I may not understand why my leaders do what they do or why early leaders made mistakes, but I do know that they were good men and tried their best to be all that they could be. I have read the entire Doctrine and Covenants, I will be the first to say I don't understand a good portion of it, but it tells the history of the church in a beautiful way, not everything mind you, but a good portion of it.
I have also read books about church history from prophets and apostles that have moved me and also raised new questions to bring to the Lord in prayer.
Matumbo on :
About the wine, I could care less ether that Joseph smit was a drunk, I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of the man who made up the mormon fantasy and creator of all the mornon rules, but did not follow these rules himself.
If you want to follow this despicable, lying, hypocrite pig, go for it, you live in a free country... for now.
Mitch Romney is an elite mormon whore who will promise anything to get elected, but will take his orders from the mormon "leaders".
Nicky on :
E. Matumbo on :
I digress. I can tell you one thing for sure that if God appeared to me personally and told me not to drink coffee and wine, you can bet your rice crispy square eating ass that I wouldn’t take one sip. That would be pretty much a deal maker for me. Joseph smith on the other hand orders up a few bottles of wine to help ease his nerves while knowing that he may likely be face to face with God in the next few hours. If he was telling the truth why would he take the chance of having to explain why he contradicted a direct order and risk Gods wrath. This one small incident is more than enough to call him a hypocrite and question the veracity of his story. The simple answer is that it is BS.
Mormons like you think that if you leave the church it is because of being offended or hurt. That bullshit is just to make them feel better about having to stay in the church. I left because Joseph smit is a false prophet and a fraud and therefore the entire church he made up is NOT BE TRUE. I witness to you that the mormon church is NOT true.
You say you will not use google because of the fear of misinformation on mormonism. I have one question. How in the fucking hell did you get to this site then?? If you don’t want to use google to look for a book series published by deseret books, then go ask for the series at your ward library. Further, I’m not sure I would say that I think you are stupid. Just obtuse, but obtuse is a characteristic of mormonism. To be a mormon you must check reality at the door. On second thought, stupid may work.
All I can say now is that I am done responding to any more of your batshittiness until you “go do some research”. Come back with something that is not just a feeling, a prompting, a still small voice, or a spiritual experience. Bring something real.
John on :
and pathetic life waste that is all religion.
If dumb yanks elect that Mormon twat I would feel delighted if it ignited a giant war with another dumb bunch of total idiots and the lot of you cancled each other out.
Do your selves a favour religious idiots and take a self inflicted shortcut to your maker?
Tricia on :
Me, I try Not to be pulled into any religion or religious groups. One factor I follow is all of these religious stuff was/is written by the hand of men & therefore flawed.
What I believe in is myself & I give credit to those that actually did something to get that credit! Thank God/Goddess/deity is not written in my vocabulary!
Nicky on :
A feeling or prompting is very real, what do you think your consious is and intuision? I have told you I do my research and the way I found this site? One of my coworkers told me about it and I wanted to see what it was all about. I did not say that everyone leaves the church because they are hurt, some do leave because they lose their testimony and if that is what they want to do more power to them. We as a church want people to be happy. I do not doubt that you have found some very good information, but it is mixed with bad. Joseph Smith did not comunicate with God directly, he prayed to him in Christs name just like every other christian does to recive personal revelation. He was a fallable man, he lost the first pages of the book of mormon because he was swayed by man and did not listen to God's warning the first three times he asked the Lord if the manuscript could be taken and shown to others. Because of this mistake we do not have Lehi's book and it is also why 1 Nephi spends a bit of time going over what Lehi had already said.
John, I am not going to vote for Romney just because he is mormon, I am not even sure if I will vote for him.
Tracia, I think your friend learned some false doctrine, paradise is not on the world right now, that will not happen until the millenium after the apocolyps. I agree that the Bible and Book of Mormon was written by man and is flawed to a point, but it is also guided by the hand of God and has much truth to it.
Anonymous on :
Elder Matumbo on :
"Joseph Smith did not comunicate with God directly, he prayed to him in Christs name just like every other christian does to recive personal revelation."
Here is an excerpt taken from the story of joseph smiths first vision. These are JOSEPH SMITHS words taken direclty from the official LDS website:
"My object in going to inquire of the Lord was to know which of all the sects was right, that I might know which to join. No sooner, therefore, did I get possession of myself, so as to be able to speak, than I asked the Personages who stood above me in the light, which of all the sects was right (for at this time it had never entered into my heart that all were wrong)--and which I should join."
It continues to be apparant that like most mormons, Nicky does not have the slightest clue with regard to the basic tenants of her religion.
Nicky on :
Yes he spoke directly with God once, that was a poorly stated comment and for that I am sorry I should have made that more clear. I do know and understand my church Elder Matumbo. I might not be a scriptiorian like I wish that I was, but I do know my religion, I know that Christ is my savior, I know that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God, I know that the Bible and Book of Mormon are true Testiments of Christ, I believe in the plan of salvation that makes it possible for families to live together forever and I know that at the last day if my works are sufficiant enough I will be saved in the Kingdom of God, the same with all of those who have done their best to follow God's commandments.
Anonymous on :
Mormons teach flip-flopping in sunday school. Mitt Romney wrote the manual for them.
BTW Your tesitmony means nothing outside of the bubble. I "know" that mormons are completely fucking retarded, and you are doing an awesome job proving it for us.
rocco on :
Really on :
If you don't think mormons are fucking retarded now, watch this video.
This is a hidden camera video.
Robbie on :
I’m extremely familiar with the psychological reasoning which puts forth such an unfounded statement as yours and therefore tend to believe you are indeed being sincere i.e. in this case defending the right of people to believe in and hold sacred what they wish without criticism, ridicule or scorn.
If this is the case then I think you’ll find that most people on this forum who’ve spoken out negatively against Mormonism (as well as theism and other supernatural beliefs) would actually half agree with you.
The crux being (and to paraphrase Tim Minchin) “history has taught us [this] - that if too many people hold a thing or a person or an institution sacred then they are by definition beyond criticism. And unfortunately, it seems [that] when humans get beyond criticism, they seem to slip inexorably towards corruption.”
One other major point that needs to be made here and I ask you directly –
Do you really think/believe that the promulgation of institutionalised bullshit to children is humane?
Do you really believe that religion should continue without any fear of reproach or accountability into the C21st?
And do you really believe that what is factually ridiculous should never be ridiculed?
Elder Matumbo on :
I fear that you are firing far above the average mormon intellect though. Mormons will have lost you at "psychological reasoning".
half baked MORONS on :
ole Jorgensen on :
important here - writing)
"The fact that we have a presidential candidate that believes this crap is almost as offensive as our current president that believes this crap."
We over in the old countries are more than offended - we are frightended. And it seams that most of you're presidents are very religious (or belive in astrolygy) - I love america (Im Danish - if u wondered) But you're chooises in candidates for the thron of the world (So to speak) is frankly very strange - why do u want superstious renagades to run this power???
"If the level of sophistication required to brainwash millions of people into a religion was displayed by Smith, we all have the capacity to start a religion."
We do - i'm serious considering that prospect - not for fame or power - just for money - so mostly like all other religions - and sadly power in the US.
Regards Ole - And I relly do like the US of A - Just not the heading of it (that goes for my country as well)
Lamar Marcum on :
Stev on :
Romney announces that he will change name from USA to United States of Latter Day Saints.
Baptism for the Dead to be performed in Lincoln bathtub.
ohimynameisflubbawub on :
Robbie on :
Yes, thinking is hard – far easier to remain subscribed to your death cult of choice when you can cherry pick all the ‘good’ bits and ignore all the ‘bad’ bits of scripture.
At least the inerrantists who hold true to Leviticus serve their imaginary god with more integrity than the average hypocritical Moderate – who incidentally inadvertently props this lunatic fringe.
Yes Mormon beliefs are as stupid as shit, but no less stupid than entering into the semantic quagmire of trying to interpret 2000 year old blueprints on morality so that they fit nicely into our C21st paradigm.
So up yer bum!
(@ Elder Matumbo “sesquipedalian stylist” my arse!
Lily on :
Anonymous on :
Dee Dee on :
Elder Matumbo on :
Mitch Romney tonight: "MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME?"
LMAO on :
Robbie on :
Umbrian on :
Nicky on :
Elder Matumbo on :
Mormons stupidly believed that America would elect a mormon president.
Apparantly, it appears that God does not concur with mitch romneys blatant lies or religious beliefs.
We tried to warn you.
Not impressed with any of this bullshit on :
Nicky on :
Elder Matmbo on :
Utah: Romney 72.75%
Idaho: Romney 64.51%
Wyoming: Romney 68.61%
If you check the population stats in these states, you will find that the percentage of mormons closely match the popular vote.
Perhaps not EVERY mormon voted for mormon mitch, but most did based solely on his religion. As LMAO points out, voting for a candidate based on religion is both ignorant and stupid.
What happened? Is it possible that God does not share the mormon version of manifest destiny? How could God ignore all those prayers from mormon temple recommend holders? I am quite certain mitch romneymust have appeared on most temple prayer rolls??
Elder Matumbo on :
Mormons for Mitt on :
"Romney's candidacy focused intense attention on the faith. Last Sunday, television crews from around the world filmed at Mormon Sacrament Meetings in Utah and Massachusetts. It was a regular monthly day of fasting and prayer, and faithful told reporters they were fasting and praying for a Romney presidency."
Nicky on :
Elder Matumbo, God would never take away the agency of those who think Obama should be President. We are told in the last days that the Constitution will hang by a thread. Honestly I belive that time is not far off.
Elder Matumbo on :
As for the 'Constitution hanging by a thread" comment? It is interesting that you would bring up this White Horse Prophesy made up by Jo smith.
Read below that since joseph smith, mormons have believed that running the country is their right and destiny:
"The White Horse Prophecy is a statement purported to have been made in 1843 by Joseph Smith, Jr., founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, regarding the future of the Latter Day Saints (Mormons) and the United States of America.
Mormons expect the United States to eventually become a theocracy dominated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church).[2][3] The authenticity of the prophecy was not made public until long after Smith's death"
Anonymous on :
Dee Dee on :
How many times a day and for how many years have you said that statement. Has to be burnt in your brain by now. Robot robot robot. SAD SAD SAD you can't see what has been done to you
Johanna on :
I also wanted to make a statement to what post 399, Anonymous said. According to St. John in Revelations, the "beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns..." blah blah blah. What John meant is that the sea is the political world. Yes, even WAY back then, they had politics. So to this, I must say that the one way I know if someone could rule the world, his rise would have to be through politics. Sorry, but this therefore proves that mormonism is not in likeness with Christianity.
I was a Christian for many years. Now, I like to refer to myself as a "nothing." Not athiest, agnostic, buddhist, whatever. I'm nothing. However, I have read both the book of mormon and the bible. There is ACTUAL proof that Jesus walked the Earth, whether he was the son of God or not is entirely up to you, but there is proof (just as there is proof of Noah's ark, blah blah blah).
My point being, Mormonism IS a CULT. It is not associated with any religion other than itself. Somehow, Joeseph Smith just thought that God would want to change his religion after 1800 years. "Oh yeah, Holy Spirit. I think this Joe Smith guy looks great. Let's tell him alllll about it." Haha. Whatever.
Viv on :
Nicky on :
I don't care that a mormon president will probibly never happen, to me I never expected Mitt to win. As for prayers and faith that supposedly all Mormons had for Mitt to win so they could have a mormon president, well we can move mountians by faith, but it needs to be in accordence with God's will. Sometimes we get so focused on what we want we forget that God is on a completely different time line than we are. I was born two and a half months prematured, both my mother and I should have died that night but because of God's love we were both saved. Others are not so lucky. My aunt had twins die and wanted kids for years but still has none, God does answer our prayers, but it does not always mean that we will get exactly what we want from God, it just means that he will soothe our troubled heart and help us understand.
Johanna, Thank you for making the clarification between Fundamentalists and the LDS(Mormon) church. We are two very different churches. I would like to know why you still believe the LDS church is a cult. What have we done or believe to earn that name? If you were to do some research into our religion you would find that we are very similar to the Jews and we think of ourselves as Christians. We believe in Christ and have faith in him and his second comming.
Elder Matumbo on :
"If you were to do some research into our religion you would find that we are very similar to the Jews and we think of ourselves as Christians. "
So which is it? Are you very similar to the Jews? or, do you think of yourselves as christians? You can't be both. I wonder if Jews would agree.
Oh So True Says on :
Jack on :
Bill Says on :
making no since on :
crap to other Mormon and they laughed as well honestly we cant get mad for peoples stupidity you guys spin all day on the computer ranting and bashing a religion you guys dont understand calling us retarded is just down right dumb lets face it catholic priest rape little boys Baptist pasters go around Preaching about helping the poor but they live in 500,000 dollars houses and aren't helping the the poor and screw the wives of men that go to there church while there at work Jewish DENIED that a man named Jesus ever existed (which is stupid in its own right because roman document have stated that there was a man name Jesus from Nazareth who they had condemned to death on the cross and you have more respect for them then us and pastafarians...... really thats the best comic insult you could think of ive heard better from a cereal box but i dont go around ranting how stupid they are no Mormon does cause we where taught that everybody has there own religion and to be kind to them for that and that we are all children of god and if you are an Atheist we all come from one single sell organism have any of you actually sat down and read the book of Mormon and not go off of second hand reports on our beliefs when you do get back to me and at the end of the day if what you say what we believe is retarded and you are Christian almost all of us live a very calm and sane life we repent and we go out and help and follow the commandments so what we believe wont matter cause we have excepted Jesus into our life as our savior there wouldn't be any thing and thus will be saved by "Grace" alone and to the Atheist why does it matter to you if what we believe in if you guys are so rooted on the thesis of if we are wrong that when we all die there is nothing after that it shouldn't mater what we believe in cause if what you say happens there'd be no loss cause there'd be nothing and we would have no memory of what we said cause there will be no memory but id hate to be you if you where wrong and back on the thing of ranting and bashing My religion instead of saying it behind the computer scene stop beeing a coward and say it out loud and proud to a Mormons face and if you need a Mormon face to say it to come see me in Richmond Virginia or email me at to get the address if you are feeling froggy
Robbie on :
All religious belief is retarded, it's just that yours takes the biscuit as being one of the most ridiculous and intellectually fraudulent for reasons that are evidentially clear.
Btw Nazareth didn't exist during the (proposed) time of Jesus. And yes there are Jews who believe Jesus didn't exist, just as there are Jews that believe he did. Either way the evidence wouldn't stand up in a court of law.
Right off now to simultaneously covet my neighbours ass, wife and daughter- Laters...
PS suggest you don't post under the influence of speed again or at least come up for air once or twice.
Elder Matumbo on :
You identified yourself as a Black mormon. I am happy to see that discrimination no longer exists in mormonism. Black mormons seem to be just as ignorant and illiterate as the white ones.
I also noted that you have "excepted" jesus from your life. We already know that mormons are not christian, but thanks for confirming.
BTW Here is an example of one of your fellow mormons who, as you say is "calm and sane, reads the book of moron and follows the commandments:
Michael Crapo, the unfortunately named Republican senator from Idaho, was arrested early Sunday morning in Alexandria, Virginia for drunk driving. After reportedly running a red light and failing multiple sobriety tests, Crapo was taken into custody and booked at the Alexandria jail.
Must have gotten into the sacramental wine from the SLC deseret winery.
Typical mormon hypocrite.
Anonymous on :
making no since on :
oh also to all of you if you hate my religion so much why waste your breath is it the mere fact you guys dont have girlfriends wives families um um i dont know maybe a JOB your not going to change a true Mormons mind do better research i mean its not like we are putting a gun to your hear and saying convert now unlike you we care for every one no matter what we think of your views we are all gods children and to you atheist we are all human who breath the same air we let you guys walk around and believe what you want so why dont you give us the same right
Robbie on :
making no since on :
Elder Matumbo on :
Rather than debate each of your points, I would suggest that you review some of the previous posts where you will find most of your run-on statements refuted with facts.
Eiigy Pocr Off on :
Welshdragon on :
There is no right or wrong. Or black or white, Only in true faith of a religion that we are offered of our own free will, can we truly be-leave. The Mormon Church is accused of directing and controlling its members and setting itself outside the accepted circle of christian beliefs.
So are all the millions of members of the church brain washed into believing the Joseph Smith doctoring and today directed by their leaders to totally disregard any evidence that question the validity of their faith.
The major question here is to allow yourself to think. Is my faith answering all the questions. .
me on :
Dog Bless on :
The biggest take away I have are the people who cry about "you have to give me my rights!" and "you have to give them the same rights!"
I'm sorry... what authority do I have to give anyone rights? Your right is to believe what you want. My right is to say what I want (within legal reason). What rights does any private citizen take way from you by formulating a disagreement and simply typing it?
Goodness gracious people and "they're my rights! so give 'em to me!" are stupid in the brain.
And what about the prevailing notion above: "let them alone to believe what they want. It's not harming anyone." Ask California gays if the Mormons didn't directly attack them. And what about my cell phone bill? I was getting desperate woeful call center calls from out-of-state cultists pleading on behalf of Jebus to vote YES on 8. Fucking hypocritical morons.
Cherri Olmeda on :
Logically Frightened on :
Also, Mormons will never rule my world. I invite you to try. I think you might end up like the scam artist you so blindly follow.
Good day, retards.
Welshdragon on :
The Mormon cult propaganda machine constantly strives to control the thoughts and actions of its grass roots members. In my eyes anyone should be free to follow any religion they choose.
In the Mormon church there is very little freedom of choose, fifty five thousand young men and women with titles like Elders,priests and missionaries roam all four corners of the world seeking out new members and converting Christians to becoming pup pits controlled by the cult. Mormon families are directed in every way how to led their lives. Through their scriptures and leadership doctoring there is no opportunity for members to allow their minds to open to thoughts and truths regarding their faith..
Most Mormons are so unknowingly tied up and bound up by this cult they are afraid to question or leave.
The answer is not to discuss on a one to one basis but to offer what the church will never do. Provide the truth,let its members know how it functions,Its monies and political activities. Look at the millions of items out there on the internet.
One thing if you decide to seek the truth about the cult and church do not use the official churches web, use an independent like Google
Elder Matumbo and the Case of the missing mormon on :
They did not find him, but the police did. The police found his car out in a sketchy area of a city about 3 hours away from home. The side window was broken out and his wallet, his cell phone and a pack of smokes were still in the car. About 3 am the next morming the cops found him in a hotel. He told a story of how he was kidnapped. It was found out that he made of the story of the kidnapping and staged the car to look like he was attacked. He was charged with public mischief and lying to police.
The mormons have been pretty tight lipped, but it has leaked out that he was on the verge of a nervous breakdown because of the inordinate stress put on him by his religion and the mormon religious zealots from the largly mormon town he lives in. In retrospect I believe the mormons may have had a clue that he was trying to breakout, and they pulled out all the stops to ensure that did not happen. These people really do pressure each other to be someone they are not. Some have no choice but to crack. Others just live seperate lives living one life in front of other mormons and another life when away. I still hold to the rumor that he was found in the hotel with a bong and a philipino lady boy but that may just be speculation on my part.
I feel sorry for this dude and I hope he uses this to break away for good. Most religion is dangerous, but the mormon cult especially so. They are trapped hypocrite rats in the mormon bubble.
weirpoewi on :
Scar the Eternal on :
anonomys on :
Zack on :
Elder Matumbo on :
Anonymous on :
By Daily Mail Reporter
PUBLISHED:06:13 GMT, 9 March 2013| UPDATED:06:14 GMT, 9 March 2013
A friend of accused killer Jodi Arias has claimed the woman's slain boyfriend was not killed by the murder suspect but instead was the victim of a Mormon blood atonement plot.
Arias, 32, is charged with first-degree murder in the June 2008 killing of her lover, Travis Alexander, in his suburban Phoenix home. Authorities say she planned the attack in a jealous rage.
Now a friend of the suspect told Radar Online he believes Alexander was killed by the Mormon church for sexual sins he had committed with Arias.
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Smash on :
Anonymous on :
Anonymous on :
First victim murdered by john d lee brighams hit man John d lee was a child, shot in the back while sitting down to breakfast with her family.
The reason for the murders was greed. The group from Arkansas was wealthy.
Seperate yourself from what they tell you and compare to actual history.
Joe R. on :
randyjoe on :
and I am glad you got away from that insane cult. I agree with those that question any presidential candidate who would believe that crock
it really is exactly like scientology.
John Samochwal on :
david on :
Akelantosal on :
The Mormon church was founded by Joseph Smith and then continued later by Brigham Young on a concept of "Theodemocracy". This is the theory that our government should be "overthrown and replaced by religion". Look it up on Wikipedia if you don't believe me. I shit you not, they still believe this stuff today but will deny it. Their little mini brainwashing kids walking around in white shirts and ties are called "Elders", which is fucking ridiculous. Little kids have no life experience and can only parrot what their Mormon family tells them to. The church claims being a missionary or "elder" is "voluntary" but this is far from the truth. If somebody is an atheist or Muslim or any kind of non-Mormon in a Mormon family, that person is going to get cut off financially and emotionally forever if they disagree or refuse service. A lot of these assholes have expensive houses and have to follow what their parents do so they don't get cut off. You don't want to be a Mormon like mommy and pappy? Fine, no $500k for you and new Porsche when they die. It goes to the Church instead. These people are seriously evil and want to turn our country into a church state, I shit you not. I live around them and hear what they say. This is why Mormons have been kicked out of half the country for the past 150 years and why Joseph Smith was shot after conning everybody in his church group for all of their money and moving on to the next state. A newspaper started to print what Smith was doing and the Mormon Church attacked it. I have been researching these fucks for years and they are seriously scary. They make Scientologists look like cuddly puppies.
Theodemocracy :
Faith on :
Richard on :
Anonymous on :
Andy.M on :
NOTmormon on :
Anonymous on :
Anonymous on :
Scott England on :
Robert on :
alex on :
eg on :
all religions have their weird beliefs, horrible histories, etc. there is a baptist church in texas that teaches and practices racism against any one who is not white, there are the snake churches, there are the t.v. preachers who con poor people out of money, do not forget the catholic little boy loving priests and that cover up, the secret world of the majority of the well known (and lesser known)preachers/ministers of every Christian religion who are secretly homosexual while condemning it and using drugs and prostitutes and running sex rings and having affairs with members of their congregations and mob ties and on and on and on. to condemn just the mormons shows your ignorance and stupidity.
for someone to say they would kill all mormons is a legitimate threat. someone could alert the authorities and track you down, after all who knows what you would actually do. you need to be put away in a mental institution.
all kids parrot what their parents say, regardless of the topic. all the people who commented here are full of crap because the same could be said of what you believe. and try to prove God does not exist.
Carolyn Walker on :
Carolyn Walker on :
Carolyn Walker on :
stonedJim on :
Matumbo on :
You are much better off smoking weed than reading the book of Mormon. It is better for your health. Take your meds and forget you ever had that thought. Mormons don't even read that book!
I like how mormons compare themselves to the other batshit religions in an attempt to justify their own existence. All religion is insane but mormons deserve their special place in the fantasy fucked up world of religion. They call that place the "Celestial Kingdom".
Wait a minute on :
NancyFry on :
af on :
frank on :
frank on :
Scott on :
TheBestAnswer on :
TheThinker on :
turner on :
I'd just like to point out that theres alot of insecurities coming out from the sea of words. Bashing each other is not how you get people to learn. Albeit some people cannot learn and have to have someone calling the shots for them.
The new testament teaches us that it is not not our place to judge each other. Judgement and government are two different things. We are better off helping to solve the problem rather than acting exactly like the problems we see. If you have retained any of the scriptures you should know that OUR god encourages us guide the lost. Its a sea of people contstantly racking up tortfeasors against god out there. They may be slanderous, but they are also clueless.
Lets say your boss is a mormon. Lets say hes black also to make this easier on you. And lets say you are white. Now if you study up on the many misguided faults of the mormon religion you will have the wisdom to not only understand why hes so insecure and opressed, but you will also be able have intelligent conversation with the guy everytime he tries to mislead his employees.
Now imagine what would happen when he started listening. If you can send someone on the correct path without compounding the matter then you have truly done a righteous thing. And probably made a friend for life. I know that it is a difficult and frustrating task to try and get the webbs out of someones head. Especially someone who may be at a lower intelligence lever, or has only known one thing for life. Embody the people that need help with your love. Tell them the truth. Even if they scold you for it. Dont budge, and dont force it on them. I dont suggest laughing at a mormom either they are very insecure and very unopen to humble conversation. They tend to scorn helping others that are not inside their bubble.
Help them dont hate them. Study the scripture. Im no preacher. I have to go back and look things up pretty often. Dont pick up their bad attitude. We walk in jesus' footsteps and hope to straighten oht as many as we can along the way.
Just remember thats only our God has the power to judge and forgive us. Not a priest. Not a choirboy. Not a preacher. And certainly not the guy with the most money. Dont ever let someone guilt trip you into forking over your compensation because they say they have holy power over you. We will all pay for our wrongs AND rights. Study it all some are very similar some are downright insanity, and some are straightup made up.
Also keep in mind that we are very selfish as a people, and putting ourself on the same level as God is not only dillusional its blasphemy.
Hope this helps someone...
God, give them wisdom.
Anonymous on :
Liz on :
Oh and if your all alone and have no friends around there is a 99% chance that a Mormon will talk to you. Don't be fooled, they pittied you and nothing else. I know because someone at my church pity's me for having no friends there. Of course I have no friends there by choice and she annoys the hell out of me. She even said she misses me after I got out of her class. I fucking hate her and I hate being touched yet she hugs me. She misses me and all she does is says hi in the hallway. Get real, it's logically impossible to miss someone you never see so she needs to stop pitying people who purposefully have no friends.
rob on :
I left the church with my wife in our late 20's, just a few years ago because as we matured we began to see how fucked up it really is. it's not all bad and I wouldn't say I experienced any cult like activity except in the temple. Rituals. But nothing dark. But it is bull shit. i It's all based on believing Joseph Smith. But he has no physical proof to back his story up. He wrote the book of mormon, and mormons say how could an uneducated man write all that. Well how did many authors write the great works they've done. Take lord of the rings and Chronicles of Narnia for example. Joseph had a good imagination, and was intelligent, he also had help and revised the book of mormon several times. These are all facts, not opinion. He also had references borrowed from the bible and used names from near by towns to help elaborate the story. But where are the plates? Where is the archilogical proof? He even clams natives are Laminites from the book of mormon. DNA proves they're from asia. The guy was a conman and he conned us good. There's zoo much more i could go on about, but I just wanted to say I agree with how fucked up it is. And i feel bad for the new converts who defend it because they will learn eventually, if they are actually normal, cause there's also a lot of fucking weird people who join the church. I feel bad that I went on a mission and got people to believe it, but I can't go find them all and tell them I was wrong and I'm sorry. If people are happy in the church, great. But shit, I'm just glad I'm out and my kids won't have to live through what I had to experience.
Joan Clark on :
TheRealTruth on :
Elishia Russell on :
RealHonestTruth on :
Joseph Smith's Brother on :
Truth on :
NoLieAtAll on :
Honestly on :
The Swami with the Salami on :
Not a moron on :
I know having faith is good but what im reading is that some fucking stupid humans have faith in a guy who has proven to lie. Some fucking idiots believe that this retard smith is the only person to read symbols on gold plates that prly dont even exist!!?
lol wow
dumb dumb dumb dumb
Only in America
ya all mad !!!!!
U all should seek medical attension!!!!!!!!
U all should be castrated !!!!!@
Cause u are IDIOTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jacob Hamilton on :
ThrRealHonestTruth on :
Dollykins on :
That said, I agree with some of the sentiment of this blog. The LDS church needs an overhaul. While I don't think it's fair to bash all its members (a lot of them were born into it and brainwashed from childhood and I think there can be good people in the church) I have a hard time believing anyone who stays there stays sane, happy, or both.
I have family on both sides who are Mormon. I have cut them all out of my life. This is a good thing and I have become a happier, better person for it.
I was not raised directly in it (dad's parents tried really hard to make me believe though), but my parents both were and while they stopped practicing after their temple marriage I believe the LDS church's teachings actually made them into dysfunctional people for life.
My parents (mostly) raised my sister and I agnostic. They never officially left the church. We just didn't go (unless we visited grandparents) and were never baptized. Mom and Dad partook in non-Mormon activities when they weren't around their family. I guess you could call them "Jack Mormons."
In both sides of my family I saw loads of physical and some sexual abuse. The men who did it were enabled and put on pedestals. Anytime a wife tried to leave them, other family members would bash or threaten her for being a bad wife.
My mom eventually did leave my father, but she actually enabled him to abuse me and my sister after she left. She did the same with my ex-Catholic stepfather who didn't hurt her, but was very abusive to me.
Reunions were nuts. With my dad's family, I had grown up around it so I was used to it (but got tired of the stupidity after I hit adulthood). I didn't really meet all my mom's family until my mid 20s. It was *crazy*.
Going to Idaho was like being in a 3rd world country. The baby boomer men all seemed shocked I wasn't married and being a broodmare yet—that I actually had a career! My grandmother based my aunt for leaving her abusive husband. My uncle treated all the male cousins like they were little super heroes and the girl cousins were background servants. My dad's family was crazy (his dad broke his kid's/wife's arms), but this took the cake.
My cousins were sweet when they were kids. Then they went on missions and either became vapid or hateful or both. Several tried to convert me and would be defensive and act hurt when I called them on it.
Up to a short period into our adulthood, my parents brainwashed me and my sister into believe LDS is like any other religion. But that isn't true.
I've seen Catholics and Presbyterians and Baptists. I've been in all their churches. Yes, they can be very strict, but there can also be a lot of variation between churches.
But LDS makes a special brand of crazy for all its members—invading all parts of life. You don't get to choose your friends. You don't get to choose what to do in your freetime (ministers will give you "tasks" and frequently that involves converting people). You don't get to choose how big or small your family is—not if you want to go to proper Mormon heaven. If you have Mormon friends, you are expected to convert them.
I tried being friends with a Mormon and an ex-Mormon who were not part of my family. They were both crazy as loons with horrible boundary issues. The Mormon one actually stalked me and my daughter afterwards. I saw that kind of behavior in most every member of my family—except maybe my sister (she has some serious boundary issues though).
I don't want to bash a whole group of people, but it is hard not to judge with my experience, but I am certainly leery around people I know who are Mormon.
Mahonri on :
He believed American Indians came from Jews - which means we are lucky Romney did not get elected and treat us to the spectacle of him trying to speak Hebrew to tribal leaders.
Mormons are dumber than magic peepstones.
Christopher Lee Hollifield on :
Truth on :
The Truth on :
slight correction on :