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Burnt Iraqi Boy feels Brando-Rific!

Burned Iraqi child finds solace in Marlon Brando.

"It's amazing how some gasoline and a match instantly transformed me into a Marlon Brando look-alike", Youssif, the young Iraqi boy stated this week.
"When I looked like a normal, adorable human being, I felt terrific... But now I feel BRANDO-RIFIC!!!"
Youssif's mother reports that she has never found her young son so full of vigor and spunk.
"When our house is not being shelled, we are not being raped by insurgents, and our men are not being removed from our houses and shot execution style in the street, young Youssif brings a smile to everyone's face!"
"Thanks for bringing stability, safety, and unity to our country George Bush!" Youssif and his mother said in tandem.
Over the laughter of his mother and mustering his best Vito Corleone, young Youssif said "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse."


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