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Unitarian church in Knoxville, TN production of Annie has trouble sticking to script.

A production of the popular musical "Annie" at a Knoxville, TN Unitarian church had trouble staying on script, it was reported Sunday.
"I was all into Annie's portrayal of a disenfranchised young orphan growing up in the 1920's", stated church member Marla Staples. "I could empathize with her struggle against oppressive authoritarian figures. Annie is a care-free role model for all of us. She ultimately displays the spirit and the anti-establishment feelings a lot of us have growing up in a diverse environment. Also she got all shot up and killed."
"This play totally sucked ass", another congregation member stated, "I was all into this play until about 45 minutes into it. Then all of the sudden, some guy with a shotgun started killing folk (people) and I was like 'damn son' what the hell? They totally went off script with this one."
Assistant youth counselor at the church Wendy McNally further stated, "We try hard to instill a sense of pride in one's portrayal of most all of Broadway Play's actors, but during rehearsal when they introduced the "Disgruntled-Food Stamp Collecting-Shotgun Wielding-Homeless-Homicidal-Maniac character during the climax of the play that inevitably shoots 9 congregation members and kills at least one of them... I was like 'damn, this shit is stupid'."


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