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White House unveils official New Orleans Gustav plan, "Run Nigger!"

Official White House Gustav plan.

The White House unveiled their official Hurricane Gustav disaster plan for New Orleans, it was reported earlier today.
The Bush Administration, still suffering criticism over its response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005, was quick to point out their rapid action emergency plan.
During a press conference this morning, White House Press Secretary Dana Perino announced, "We will not be caught off guard with Hurricane Gustav. We have a comprehensive plan to deal with New Orleans and its residents if Gustav continues its current path. Operation 'Run Nigger!' offers a simple yet comprehensive plan that (President Bush) thinks New Orleans and its residents can understand."
When pressed about exact details regarding the plan, Perino continued, "Basically the 'Run Nigger!' plan involves all of the affected residents getting up and quickly running in the opposite direction in which the storm is coming from. We hope this innovative plan will save lives and provide clarity for Louisiana residents concerned about the government's handling of federal emergencies."
"I would like to point out that the disabled and elderly have not been excluded from our new plan. We will encourage those with limited mobility to also remove themselves from the path of the storm. For instance, many residents in wheelchairs could simply 'roll' away in the opposite direction of the storm. Others with severely restricted mobility could even be 'pushed' away from the storm. We realize that there was a lot of post-hurricane criticism over the White House response to Katrina, and we hope to show that we are not unaware of the struggles and hardships that face our citizens during natural disasters."


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