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Liberty Helicopter Tours forced to redesign website.

Flying safely for over 20 years!
Liberty Helicopter Tours web developers were called in to take down the "Flying safely for over 20 years" banner from the entrance page of their website, it was reported Saturday.
"This sucks ass", stated webmaster Scott Clemons during a phone interview Saturday afternoon. "I was in bed sleeping this afternoon and all the sudden my phone started ringing. I ignored it but it kept ringing and ringing. I finally answered only to be told that 'Liberty Tours had a crash and I needed to take the banner off of the site'. I asked them if it couldn't wait until Monday as I was sleeping and recovering from a night of partying, but they were crying and shouting at me to come in and take it down."
When asked about the Liberty Tours accident specifically, Scott stated, "Flying safely for over 20 years is one thing, but waking my ass up at noon on a Saturday just because Liberty Tours had a helicopter smash into an airplane killing almost everyone is another thing all together. Talk about micro managing! Boo Hoo, what a bunch of babies."

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Anonymous on :

get a life asshole

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