Gary Spivey - A Huge Fraud
Ok... So maybe the tickets were free.
I don't normally spend my time talking or thinking about psychics or their proclaimed abilities, but last night I saw a guy that really takes home the "Gay Psychic Pissflap Award".
This fucking retarded pickle-kissing ass ramming shithead actually stood there with a straight face and told mothers that had lost their sons and people that were addicted to drugs, that they had evil "drug" or "suicide" spirits in them. "Do you feel your face getting warm, DO YOU FEEL YOUR FACE GETTING WARM? That's the spirits leaving your bodies. Now *snap* they're gone. Do you feel that? The warmness in your feet? Huh? Now you're better"... "Seriously ass monkey?", I thought to myself. "Seriously?"
Oh but it got better. This Mushroom-haired waterhead gave people advice... Like REAL advice, on things that he should NEVER be giving advice on. Topics like "I have a feeling my x will kill me". Guess what you precocious prick. We have a thing called "Law Enforcement", and we pay for them with our taxes. You actually agreed with her after she said "I feel like my X is going to kill me" with the statement, "Oh yeah he will".
People came to the microphone crying having just lost a loved one to suicide. He "helped" them by talking about chariots and "angels that swore" taking their loved ones to heaven because "he" had helped.
I guess this crook has some kind of 'in' with the big guy upstairs. After all; if there is a God, I am sure he picked a huge white afro wig-wearing, delusional, money-gubbing, potty-mouthed perverted asshole to do his bidding.
It would be one thing if he told people he was an entertainer, and nothing more... If he was even a half-ass good entertainer.
Unbearable. I met a lady in the hallway that stated, "Can you believe how horrible this is?"
I don't normally spend my time talking or thinking about psychics or their proclaimed abilities, but last night I saw a guy that really takes home the "Gay Psychic Pissflap Award".
This fucking retarded pickle-kissing ass ramming shithead actually stood there with a straight face and told mothers that had lost their sons and people that were addicted to drugs, that they had evil "drug" or "suicide" spirits in them. "Do you feel your face getting warm, DO YOU FEEL YOUR FACE GETTING WARM? That's the spirits leaving your bodies. Now *snap* they're gone. Do you feel that? The warmness in your feet? Huh? Now you're better"... "Seriously ass monkey?", I thought to myself. "Seriously?"
Oh but it got better. This Mushroom-haired waterhead gave people advice... Like REAL advice, on things that he should NEVER be giving advice on. Topics like "I have a feeling my x will kill me". Guess what you precocious prick. We have a thing called "Law Enforcement", and we pay for them with our taxes. You actually agreed with her after she said "I feel like my X is going to kill me" with the statement, "Oh yeah he will".
People came to the microphone crying having just lost a loved one to suicide. He "helped" them by talking about chariots and "angels that swore" taking their loved ones to heaven because "he" had helped.
I guess this crook has some kind of 'in' with the big guy upstairs. After all; if there is a God, I am sure he picked a huge white afro wig-wearing, delusional, money-gubbing, potty-mouthed perverted asshole to do his bidding.
It would be one thing if he told people he was an entertainer, and nothing more... If he was even a half-ass good entertainer.
Unbearable. I met a lady in the hallway that stated, "Can you believe how horrible this is?"
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Strabismus on :
spirit on :
rob on :
mike on :
Daniel Knight on :
Daniel Knight on :
By the way moderator, what's with not allowing posts "soon"? What a waste of time, people will end up losing the data or forgetting what they wanted to say from having to wait some arbitrary amount of time. It doesnt even say how long to wait, who the hell wants to stick around monitoring this just to leave a post?
"Spam Prevention: You cannot post a comment so soon after submitting another one.
Your comment could not be added because comments for this entry have either been disabled, you entered invalid data, or your comment was caught by anti-spam measures." And that captchas are horrible: they flip letters and or numbers upside down. What the hell kind of nonsense is that? Further, if the captchas are on a timer, and you have to wait, then you'd have to repost AGAIN just to get through since you'd have to reenter the captcha! Do you want comments or not?
TK (Admin) on :
Secondly, Daniel, today happens to be Christmas and I was enjoying spending time with family and was quite uninterested in moderating comments from queer-bashing right wing lunatics (such as yourself). I have no remorse for spending the day as I did instead of sitting in front of the computer waiting for a nasty bigot to leave comments on my website.
Thirdly, Daniel, If you feel the need to comment on one post more than once every few minutes, you are either spamming my website, or your thoughts are so disjointed and organized, you should actually take the time to gather them and post them all at once.
Lastly, Daniel, the captcha system is easily cracked by a lot of blog spamming systems that try to automatically decipher them. That it why I use it. For every bigoted, intolerant post I get from baby-raped assholes with daddy issues - I get 30-40 Spam entries from people in the Netherlands trying to sell penis pills and breast enlargement... I will be happy to send these on to you since you seem like you might need both. Also, for every good comment I get I have to wade through 80-100 posts from penis pill SPAM AND lunatic right wing evil cocks like you.
I approve every post that is not specifically and obviously SPAM. EVERY ONE.
I am sorry I didn't make more room during my day to make sure that your hate-filled anti-gay Nazi propaganda comments make into the web comment system in a timely manner.
If your vagina is so tender and itchy maybe you should be reading a different blog you pickle-kissing bitch.
Pedro on :
Daniel Knight on :
Unlike you, I don't rant, don't waste time with foul language like an immature kid who can't grow up and thinks anger makes him right. "But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, as you know they only breed quarrels." - The apostle Paul, correcting your stupid airheaded mindless self.
Daniel Knight on :
logical fallacies committed by just your first statement alone:
1) begging the question -- Circular reasoning in which a claim is assumed to be true and is then tucked in the conclusion.
2) Rhetorical fallacies, or fallacies of argument, don’t allow for the open, two-way exchange of ideas upon which meaningful conversations depend.
For example, ending your statement (without evidence) with, "right?" appealing to your emotional state of feeling that you are right / AFFIRMING THAT YOU ARE RIGHT WITH A QUESTION (which is nonsensical and reveals an emotional appeal rather than logical).
Instead, they distract the reader with various appeals instead of using sound reasoning. They can be divided into three categories:
Emotional fallacies unfairly appeal to the audience’s emotions.
Ethical fallacies unreasonably advance the writer’s own authority or character.
Logical fallacies depend upon faulty logic.
Ripley's believe it or not, I spent many years refuting arguments against religion, God and the Bible, over 500 arguments, some refuted in over 25 ways. I even grouped them by subject and cross-referenced them. One of the fallacies from which most seemed to come from, made by ignorants like yourself, was, "There is no absolute truth" which big surprise, is usually made by atheists (surprise surprise the Bible says God is the source of all truth and truth itself, so guess what happens when you reject truth? Exactly: you become a delusional, confused, arbitrary, hypocritical, contradictory liar). I also found many of the arguments contradicted other arguments (arbitrary as I said). It's terrible that you state things as a fact based on assumption and ignorance, and when you know that you do very little looking into religion but rather are a boastful full who thinks because he's learned a little that he knows a lot and therefore may play teacher. You also reveal your maturity level (which is tied in to knowledge and understanding level) with your crude language on top of everything else, showing that you are a disrespectful person who lacks self control (immature people don't learn much do to not being able to get along with others and because they don't respect anyone enough to learn much from them). The rest of your rant was ignored, besides that being the obvious thing to do with a time waster like yourself but because the Bible says to "avoid arguments of ignorance" and after carefully reading 500 arguments, from many morons like yourself, I can sniff a time waster from a mile away.
"The fool (very wicked man) has no pleasure in understanding, but only in airing his own heart (feelings, well imagine that, the Bible you argue against before reading (how stupid is that? to, as the Bible says: "answer before listening") condemns feelings bashing and opinionators who reject reasoning), and that verse comes from the world's wisest man, King Solomon, who you don't even come close to touching. Next time moron: don't assume who you're talking to, let alone anything at all. Assuming is for idiots. how is it arrogant, immature emo-idiots who delight in cruelty like yourself end a whopping argument defeat against an enemy? The cliche drama dots: ... and ... wait for it: Fail. You're a blind guide with a log in your eye pretending to care for the well-being of the good. And moron: If I speak logically in my reply, why moron, did you rush to speak against me as if I were illogical? Stupid. And you're still using the stupid captcha? Moron.
Daniel Knight on :
First of all Mr. I Wish Princess Diana Would Die Already, you're a sociopath, sociopaths don't care about the truth and are chronic liars. So moron: stop pretending to care about and know the truth. Second: No arrogant lazy brain, because unlike you I actually bothered to look for the evidence, which wasn't hard using a search engine and being that I have a brain to read with and love for truth, unlike you, a cheap shot ranting moron who is merely interested in showing off regardless of whether or not he knows what he's talking about. Dur. Even an atheist knows the story of Noah is true you lazy idiot. Here moron, leg work for you that your idiot self who pretends to care about truth should have done yourself: Further, idiot, all a moron like you had to do was look on atheist dominated Wikipedia (besides reading it you moron) to see that even those atheists, who despise Christians, admit that from King Solomon's time on "the historical events are apparently true" you idiot. Massive massive idiot.
Just think idiot: "Jerusalem", hint hint: real city. Hint hint: mine wanna check the rest of the stories then. And moooooroooooon: do you seriously think you have a time travel machine to lol, say, "Oh this didn't happen, don't you know that, right?" No wonder morons like you think you saw the billions and billions of Carly Sagan years old Big Butt Bang happen. What a kooky crackpot you are. And let me guess, you also believe in the magical stories of little bacteria things being made by Frankenstein's lightning, and then turning into dancing laughing exploring theists? Dur? Yet you tell me about "made up" stories lol? Show me a transitional fossil stupid guy. Come on, you had the the last 15 billion years of dead animals, plants and people to come up with a single one. Can't do it, because you're gullible, RIGHT?! Right.
Logical fallacies committed by just your first statement alone:
1) begging the question -- Circular reasoning in which a claim is assumed to be true and is then tucked in the conclusion.
2) Rhetorical fallacies, or fallacies of argument, don’t allow for the open, two-way exchange of ideas upon which meaningful conversations depend.
For example, ending your statement (without evidence) with, "right?" appealing to your emotional state of feeling that you are right / AFFIRMING THAT YOU ARE RIGHT WITH A QUESTION (which is nonsensical and reveals an emotional appeal rather than logical).
Instead, they distract the reader with various appeals instead of using sound reasoning. They can be divided into three categories:
Emotional fallacies unfairly appeal to the audience’s emotions.
Ethical fallacies unreasonably advance the writer’s own authority or character.
Logical fallacies depend upon faulty logic.
Ripley's believe it or not, I spent many years refuting arguments against religion, God and the Bible, over 500 arguments, some refuted in over 25 ways. I even grouped them by subject and cross-referenced them. One of the fallacies from which most seemed to come from, made by ignorants like yourself, was, "There is no absolute truth" which big surprise, is usually made by atheists (surprise surprise the Bible says God is the source of all truth and truth itself, so guess what happens when you reject truth? Exactly: you become a delusional, confused, arbitrary, hypocritical, contradictory liar). I also found many of the arguments contradicted other arguments (arbitrary as I said). It's terrible that you state things as a fact based on assumption and ignorance, and when you know that you do very little looking into religion but rather are a boastful full who thinks because he's learned a little that he knows a lot and therefore may play teacher. You also reveal your maturity level (which is tied in to knowledge and understanding level) with your crude language on top of everything else, showing that you are a disrespectful person who lacks self control (immature people don't learn much do to not being able to get along with others and because they don't respect anyone enough to learn much from them). The rest of your rant was ignored, besides that being the obvious thing to do with a time waster like yourself but because the Bible says to "avoid arguments of ignorance" and after carefully reading 500 arguments, from many morons like yourself, I can sniff a time waster from a mile away.
"The fool (very wicked man) has no pleasure in understanding, but only in airing his own heart (feelings, well imagine that, the Bible you argue against before reading (how stupid is that? to, as the Bible says: "answer before listening") condemns feelings bashing and opinionators who reject reasoning), and that verse comes from the world's wisest man, King Solomon, who you don't even come close to touching. Next time moron: don't assume who you're talking to, let alone anything at all.
Assuming is for idiots. You're a blind guide with a log in your eye pretending to care for the well-being of the good. And moron: If I speak logically in my reply, why moron, did you rush to speak against me as if I were illogical? Stupid. And you're still using the stupid captcha? Moron.And moron: you're hit counts are overblown, because many of them are from people reloading the page to post another comment and trying to see if their comment was posted, if they got the captcha right, and because the spam message is on the top in small letters and hard to notice. You're a cheater.
How is it arrogant, immature emo-idiots who delight in cruelty like yourself end a whopping argument defeat against an enemy? The cliche drama dots: ... and ... wait for it: Fail.
Wow, what a "fag", I couldn't even post this after two hours have gone by, giving you yet another fake hit. What a fag. Seeya sociopath. Woah... yeah, sociopath, you're no better than Gary Spivey. Hypocriiiiiite. Clean your filthy mouth before railing against Spivey for his, common sense idiot, common sense. Fail. And idiot: since you show no desire in discussing, and are an ignorant idiot, no offense, and evidenced by refusing to correct your stupid inferior captcha system, which once again idiot: wastes everyone's time, I'm not even going to bother reading your reply, and have unsubscribed. Not alive to listen to a moron preach his feelings all day long, sure not gonna wait hours just to reply, gay.
If gays admit to being liars, then what business did you have saying, "No, Bible wrong, waaaah," when it says they're immoral and deluded? See how stupid you are yet Mr. No, It Can't Be Right! WAAAAH!
Bye scared whiner
TK (Admin) on :
"You can also seek my services in better parenting and spotting and breaking bad parental habits. I also offer help with exorcisms. Demon possession can be confused with someone having a mental disorder. The price will depend on the difficulty of the evaluation and the length of the service."
Parenting advice? exorcisms? Demon possession? Ok... This kid is really enjoying his life in his parent's basement... "Daniel! What are you doing down there?!?". "Nothing, Ma, just writing about demon possessions"!
Complete retarded monkey. If there is an afterlife, and it contains intolerant homophobic people like Daniel... We will definitely meet there. You have nothing in common with your Christ who helped the poor, the needy, and the prostitutes. You are more of the "glass house" self-righteous bigot the Bible warns about being the antichrist.
See you dude.
klausekilski on :
spiritwarrior320 < village idiot
charlne on :
Doyle on :
There should be a little elf shaped door (In a nice 70s style wood paneled trim) in all of your hearts for this guy and his white afro-wig.
In fact Christianity can use a lot more people like him. The less it can be taken seriously, the greater a chance we have to some human rights going on...
Janet Bileal on :
Needless to say we called police and took this inside and a story from my daughter to court. After the relative served time in jail, my daughter told the family that it never happened and she lied about it all because this radio "jack wagon" said it did so she just made up some stuff to add to the story....never thinking it would go this far....When I called him again on kdwb he tried to recent his bs and said it was another relative but it happened...this fraud should be fired!!!! Who knowingly ruins peoples lives like this...
Flids on :
dan on :
spirit on :
Dee on :
B on :
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Wow on :
Sara on :
Rachal on :