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Viacom sucks dicks and eats human feces.

I think I am just saying what everyone else is thinking. Greedy Viacom cut off my channels on DirecTV. Guess what? I'll just pull your shows off of newsgroups with commercials already cut out.
Viacom is a nasty company that has pulled some of my videos on YouTube. (They were not original videos but were clips on THEIR SHOW that showed clips from another network (CNN)).
I think they are evil, I think they are greedy, I think they smell their own farts, and they can go fuck themselves. Shove all of your programming up straight up your ass. I don't blame DirecTV I blame you. If "pennies a day" = $50/year per customer, seriously give me a good rimjob and happy ending first.
I hope your sponsors are happy that they are paying to run commercials that now reach 20 million fewer people. It's not like you are offering commercial-free TV idiots. Fuck Viacom.


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