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Monica Lewinsky bravely unveils slogan for new anti-bullying campaign. "Linda Tripp was a fat bitch".

Linda Tripp fat
In a stunning announcement, ex Whitehouse aide and woman at the center of Bill Clinton's presidential impeachment trial unveiled her slogan for her anticipated anti-bullying campaign.

"'Linda Tripp was a fat bitch'", Ms. Lewinsky announced during a spot on Good Morning America on Tuesday.

"Bullying is a very important problem to address, but Linda Tripp was a fat bitch", Lewinsky told a seemingly stunned Robin Roberts during the interview.

"Bullying is a plague that eats away at youth's self esteem and self worth in this country, and it needs to be addressed Robin", stated Lewinsky, "but even though she has unfortunately passed away, I still feel it is also important to address the facts. Linda was indeed a smelly, obese, no-good whore".

The segment was wrapped up quickly and sent to commercial. At the time of this writing, Ms. Lewinsky has not responded to our request for comment.


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