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Difficult Discussions - Talking to your retarded Israeli child about Hamas and the Gaza Hospital Bombing

Discussions with mentally challenged individuals can be difficult. This can be especially difficult during confusing times like puberty or a systematic exterminating genocide war perpetrated by a terrorist organization.

Some tips to effectively communicate with your retarded Israeli child asking impossibly hard questions about life's simple issues.

1. Learn to speak Hebrew - Believe it or not, even a retarded Israeli child can understand concepts like "boom"! and "bang, bang, bang"!

2. Make sure the child can separate colors from one another and effectively use a wire-cutter and a Phillips screwdriver.

3. Reassure the child that Jesus simply could NOT exist or they would not; indeed, be retarded.

This is not a complete list but these three simple things can start the discussion on mind-numbingly complicated problems with even the most retarded of children.


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