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Mormons are completely fucking retarded.

Mormons... Dumb.

Joseph Smith was the only one of Jesus' disciples to get shot in the face with a gun.
Of all religions, I would have to say the Mormonism is the most delusionally retarded.
The fact that we have a presidential candidate that believes this crap is almost as offensive as our current president that believes this crap.
I have respect for most people's religious views. Catholics, Baptists, Jews, and even Pastafarians.
But Mormonism is just outright ridiculous.
One of the scariest things about Mormons, is that they have the capacity to believe anything... No matter how insanely and comically unsensical.
"(The book of Mormon) was done in a space of three months, using scribes while Smith translated (from golden plates) from behind a curtain."
If the level of sophistication required to brainwash millions of people into a religion was displayed by Smith, we all have the capacity to start a religion.
After all, there must be a group of people in the world that would tithe to a religion that was rooted in a story of a guy like me, sitting in my bathroom with a black light, reading my wall splattered feces like a Rorschach Inkblot Test.
Just as logical, and just as ridiculous.