Commentary - I would shoot up a mall too if I got fired from McDonalds.
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After hearing the news of the horrifying events that took place in the Nebraska mall this week, I started thinking. Richard Hawkins was a misunderstood guy. If I got fired from McDonalds, I would probably shoot up a mall too.
While I don't specifically condone the actions of this troubled individual, I definitely see how being removed from a menial 6 dollar an hour job could be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Everyone has lost a job at some point in their life, but the horrific realization that you are not even competent enough to perform the most menial of duties? Terrible.
Some set blame the antidepressants this kid was reported as taking. Some say blame the society at large for ignoring the needs of one of their own. I say blame McDonalds.
Sure he was caught taking money from the till, who hasn't? The least they could have done is demote him to "French Fry Maker" where alongside the handicapped employees he could have retained something that resembled an existence.
McDonalds should realize that for $6 an hour, you have purchased an employee that will occasionally take a $5 bill for a pack of cigarettes from the drawer. You have NOT purchased or paid for a Harvard laureate with the integrity and moral fiber not to dip into the company's loose change.
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