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Heath Ledger's latest movie scrapped.

Weekend at Ledger's 3
Heath Ledger's latest movie, "Weekend at Ledger's 3" was scrapped during production, sources close to the production crew said Friday.
"We thought about it long and hard, and decided that it would be too difficult for him to play a corpse in the latest comedy spectacle 'Weekend at Ledger's 3'", costar Mary Kate Olson said during an interview.
The latest installment of the popular "Weekend at Bernie's" series was to include Mary Kate Olson (Susie) and Michelle Williams (Katrina) as friends of their recently deceased boss who's death needs to be kept a secret.
"How can we possibly expect him to act like a proper corpse when he is all dead," Olson added. "This is worse than 'A Knight's tale.'"


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Steven on :


Ricardo on :

Oh dear me. I guess someone is amused. It's a lonely place.

Anonymous on :

You shouldn't be allowed to post this crap

Phunny on :

I would totally rent that movie!!! HAHA

Cowo on :

hmm hindi ako masyado aetfcfed (panget kasi sya hehehe jk lang) dahil hindi naman sya ganun kasikat sa Brokeback Mountain ko lang nga sya nakilala eh. pero sayang natapos pa naman nya yung sequel ng batman. sana baka after non mas lalo gumanda ang mga offers sa kanya. hay tao nga naman de mo malaman kung ano mga nasa isip scart's last blog post..

duh on :

For this to even halfway work as a joke there would have had to have been a "Weekend at Ledger's" 1 and 2. But you don't really know what the world is like outside your own tiny, dented skull, do you?

THJ on :

That is pure awesome. best laugh I've had since the last Palin news clip.

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